• hun I had my little girl when I was 14 I am now 16 and my parents are like really really strict but they were still there for me if your parents love you they'lle be by your side the whole time
  • i feel really bad for you it must be so hard,there is no right way to tell them, you need to decide how you feel about the pregnancy and see your GP, your parents will always love you no matter what, this is about your baby though and if you are ready, your parents should support you the whole way, i think you should make your descision first so they are un able to prersuade you to do something you may regret. this is a hard time in your life even without a baby and your life will change dramaticaly i wish you so much luck and hope to hear a happy ending x x
  • Sit them down and tell them you have something important to entrust to them, and you hope that they are as helpful with it as you believe they will be. Either that or don't tell them and get an abortion. If it were me with my dad/family, that's what I would have done. I'm now 31, and still think that would have been the best decision for me in the circumstances you are describing. I think the first option will probably work for you. You said strict parents, not abusive parents, and you seem to want to tell them.
  • I would hope you wouldn't take the advice of an abortion. You now have a living thing inside you and you must take responsibility for it. There are better options such as adoption or raising it with your parents. You need to tell you parents. If you don't there is a good chance you will regret it. You are too young to be making a decision to end someone's life and if your parents are strict they are probably very responsible and will help you with what to do. You may not get the most welcoming reaction but they are the adults and can help you through this time better than anyone online. Remember that they love you and that's why they are so strict. I will pray for you and your baby and hope everything turns out fine. Please be more responsible in your sexual activities. Save sex for marriage so you never have to go through this again. God Bless
  • You just have to sit them down and tell them, perhaps you would feel better if you had a close friend with you when you do. Just because they are strict doesn't mean they won't support you.
  • They might be upset about your choices, but the sooner the better. They will be able to help you through it. Don't expect smiles, kisses and lollipops. Expect tender care, but strict consequences both from them as parents and from becoming a teen parent yourself. Remember this feeling, and share it with others to try and help other teens to not get pregnant. Your parents will also be able to help you to finish school. And be honest with who the father is, because he did his part in all this. If he's 18 or older expect your parents to file statutory rape charges (which he would deserve), and regardless of his age, put his name on the Birth certificate and make him pay child support. Hopefully he doesn't turn up being a deadbeat dad.
  • I think that you should honestly tell them the situation and ask for their love and support. It is ultimately you who will decide what you want to do in this situation, but you need the support of people you love and trust.
  • mom,dad,you are about to be all the time.
  • I was in your shoes when I was 19. My sister was there when I told my Mom and then my Mom was there when I told my Dad. They were upset, but very supportive. Trust in your parents. Yes, they are going to be upset and dissapointed. But tell them you need their support because you are afraid and don't know what to do now. If at all possible have another family member or friend there for support when you tell them. I hope everything turns out okay for you. Good luck!
  • no parent.....strict or not, wants to hear that from their 15 year old child; you've decided to have sex like an adult so now it's time to start acting like one and that means an honest and open conversation whether you want to or not. but let your decision be between you and them....they are in a position to better guide you than your other 15 year old friends. this is not just about you being pregnant, this is about another life that will depend on you FOREVER!
  • Tell them straightfoward, but pensively. Then ask for an abortion. If they're religious, strict, or just stupid, then seek outside help. There are plenty of numbers to call for people in your position. Seriously, I don't mean to sound cruel, but having a kid at your age will mess up your life.
  • ((HUGS)) You need to sit down and tell them straight out. Oh they will be angry..hurt and whatever...but you need to do this so you can make a decision of what is best for you. You have a difficult decision to make regarding the baby. This will not be easy for you to do but please please tell them ASAP. Good luck to you hon.
  • I don't want to be the one all oh abortion is horrible, I mean me personally I don't agree with it but if the cards you have been dealt means that abortion is the right answer then you won't be judged. But when playing like an adult you need to address your problem like one and look at all the options, find someone who had a baby at that age and kept it, contact an adoption agency and see how that feels and an abortion clinic and see what YOU feel about all of that. I have friends who have had kids and kept them and had abortions and given up for adoption and they all feel what they did was right given their situation so there is no straight answer. Talk to your parents, they will find out eventually and would much rather hear it from you. They love you and will support you in your decision and love you still no matter what, even though they will be mad, be prepared in having a nice quiet time to tell them and have time set aside so you can just concentrate on whats at hand. Best of luck!
  • i think most of the awnsers on here are good ones im 17 and i to am exspecting my parents dont know yet im not far along but i am going to keep it the father is older than i am by quite a few years im very afraid to tell my fater becuse my childs fater is his "friend" like yours my parents are very strict but you know what its your choice in what you want to do aboslutly no one can make you do anything and please pass the word along teen pregnancy is not a cool thing
  • If your parents were VERY strict, you wouldn't be pregnant right now
  • You say: "I'm an idiot, and oh yea you are both grandparents."
  • I'm not sure what I would have done in this situation. I am now 31, but I feel like this is me, i'm dealing with this right now, with a young lady who means the world to me. She lives with her grandmother who doesn't pay much attention to her. Her mother was killed a couple years ago. She confides in me, she's only 15. And I don't know what to tell her. I think her grandmother will throw her out. She's so scared, and doesn't want to abort the baby. But being in her situation, and living with her grandmother, i'm not sure if keeping the baby is the right thing to do. I think you should sit down, talk to your parents, and let them know whats going on. This is a life,another human being that you are carrying inside you. One of the ten commandments is "thou shalt not kill", and having an abortion is the same as taking someone's life. The bible also tells about sex before marriage, yes you made a mistake, but listen to this, the sin was in the sex, not the baby. This is something you need to sit down and really talk about. I encourage ALL young girls to have at least 1 adult they could sit down and talk to, someone they trust, and can understand them. I know it's hard. My mom had me when she was 16 luckily, she had a understanding, caring family. Talk to them, it may not be as bad as you think. Remember, keep God first! With Jesus Nothing's Impossible!! Good Luck!!

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