• Asparaguss, Horseradish, Radichio, Jerusalem Artichoke, Chillis, Sweet Potatoes, Capsicums(peppers) and Runner(pole) beans (in their native S America) these are all perenial
  • There are definitely more than just two... some are only perennial in mild climates.... Horseradish Rhubarb Asparagus Radicchio Jerusalem Artichoke Artichoke Sorrel Cardoon Welsh Onion Egyptian Onion Garlic Sweet Potato / Yam Pepper plants Arugula (rocket lettuce) Taro (source of Hawaiian Poi) Waterchestnut Ginger Sea beet Sea kale I'm sure I must have forgotten some, but that gives you an idea.
  • 1) "I have a feeling that dee2000 was looking for the answer to a quiz "for people that know everything" that erroneously states that "Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?". If you get the email quiz with the answers, it states that they are asparagus and rhubarb. Guess the quiz-masters didn’t know everything, huh?" Source and further information: On this page, there is an interesting discussion about the topic. 2) "It sounds too good to be true, but in Perennial Vegetables author and plant specialist Eric Toensmeier (Edible Forest Gardens) introduces gardeners to a world of little-known and wholly underappreciated plants. Ranging beyond the usual suspects (asparagus, rhubarb, and artichoke) to include such “minor” crops as ground cherry and ramps (both have found their way onto exclusive restaurant menus) and the much sought-after, antioxidant-rich wolfberry (also known as goji berries), Toensmeier explains how to raise, tend, harvest, and cook with plants that yield great crops and satisfaction. Perennial vegetables are perfect as part of an edible landscape plan or permaculture garden. Profiling more than a hundred species, with dozens of color photographs and illustrations, and filled with valuable growing tips, recipes, and resources, Perennial Vegetables is a groundbreaking and ground-healing book that will open the eyes of gardeners everywhere to the exciting world of edible perennials." Source and further information: 3) "Arrowroot Asparagus Cassava Chilli - Birds Eye Chinese Waterchestnut French Sorrel Jerusalem Artichoke Rhubarb Rocoto Tree Chilli Rosella Strawberry - Maroochy Flame Sweet Leaf Bush Sweet Potato Taro Tomato Yacon - Apple of the Earth Yam / Oca" Source and further information: 4) Further information:
  • Not true. There are others like some spinach, yams, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, chicory and arugula, horseradish and globe artichokes.

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