• Anesthetize it and pull its teeth out. DR =? (Trolls)
  • He/she is afraid of you. Did you get it as a little bunny? A full grown rabbit may take awhile to warm up to you. Timid = rabbit.
  • First figure out why your rabbit is biting you. Rabbits nip to say "I love you". This is usually accompanied by the bunny circling you, often grunting gently. What your bunny doesn't realise is that bunny nips hurt! Rabbits can also bite to get your attention, as in "Hello up there!! I'm down here !!! I need snacks NOW". If you are in the bunny's way, he will bite you to get you to move. If you are holding a rabbit and it nips you, it probably wants to be put down on the ground. Rabbits will attack with their teeth and claws. If you are on the receiving end of this, you are offending and/or intimidating your rabbit. Back off. Bunny bites can be very very painful. If you reach your hand out to pat a rabbit's head, the rabbit may bite you in self defense. Rabbits can't see what is in front of their noses, and not being able so see what is touching them, they will bite you. This is why rabbits will sniff something before taking a bite. Its good manners to put your hand out so your rabbit can see it's not threatening, then stroke your bunny. To stop your bunny nipping you, try squealing when you are bitten. Rabbits associate squeals with severe pain/fear. Hopefully the rabbit will understand that biting hurts. Or if you think you have an Aggressive rabbit check out these webpages for some info:
  • this maybe a stage your rabbit is going through, try saying no in a structured way, this works for my rabbit
  • If your rabbit is not spayed or neutered, do so. this will make an immense diff with agression. Your buns will be happier and healthier. I did it to mine and its worked.

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