• Stop drinking water and cut out all electricity lines lol. Ok, seriously? I would try and limit the amount of water intake and wastage during winter, coz its not that necessary in winter. Same with the power. Wont switch on the fans or ACs. Oh yeah, wont turn on the heater either coz I would resort to the age-old method of just covering up myself in warm clothes...
  • I keep the heat at 50F when I leave the house empty.I shut out the lights when leaving the room.I take reasonably short showers,and use a water saving device in the toilet.I saves me money and helps to conserve energy.
  • shower in the dark
  • Turn off lights I don't use. Turn off the tap when brushing my teeth. And tell others to as well.
  • turn off the lights that aren't needed, don't watch commercials, shower with a friend.
  • cook with natural gas and have all the males pee in the yard.
  • I never use a heater at my house... I try not to use the airconditioner unless I have company...or it's above 100 degrees. I take pretty short showers, usually under 10 minutes. I'm pretty efficient.
  • I no longer use the dishwasher. I hang up the heavy clothes around the house to dry. I don't stuff the dryer full of clothes. When I am home alone the thermostat stays on 65 and I dress warm. No TV on during the day just the computer. Lights off when I leave the room. Sadly I don't conserve water very well but I'll work on that.
  • I will use electricity and water together so that I will conserve it forever. As soon as I can get someone to step over my slumped over body and turn it off.
  • Switch to florescent bulbs. Switch off heaters and other electrical devices when not in use. Wash full loads of laundry, dishwashers etc. Take shorter showers. use water from bathroom and kitchen for watering your gardens. For more tips on energy and water conservation, refer to

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