• Clearly, if he's not answering your calls, then he's either busy, or still upset. Give him some time and let him call you. After all, time heals all wounds and when he's ready to talk to you about his recent break-up with his girlfriend, then he'll come around, in the mean time, just keep living your life and before you know it, your friend will call you back, but don't bring up the breakup, unless, he does first. I hope this helps!
  • What you should do is give hem space.he need to calm down and get over the break up.If he told you that they had broke up then he will tell you what happened between the break up..........Think about it
  • Just give the dude a couple of days to figure out stuff. Wait a wile he'll call u just wait an see
  • give him space. he will call u when he gets out of stuff.

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