• For the sake of your sanity and marriage, you will probably need a transfer or another job.
  • It's good that you're trying to fight the feelings and not giving in to them. Be honest with yourself. If you keep working with her (him?) it will only tear you or your marriage apart. Maybe both. You'll need to transfer, or find other work. Remind yourself of this: Aside from any attraction you feel, physical or emotional, she is tempting simply because she in uncomplicated. All the things you know about your spouse, the problems you have, the arguments you have, the gross things you know about her, the things that irritate you about her, none of these exist with this other woman. You don't see her fart, or hear her snore. You don't know all her irritating quirks, and you don't bicker with her regularly. All of this ads up to what appears to be a very nice alternative to your marriage. But you love your spouse. Is it worth hurting her?
  • Things happen! People have no control over the way they feel for another person, it seems that you have found something more appealing in this man than you have in your husband. If you want to make your marriage last, you should let this other guy go. You are saying that you have fallen in love with this other man though? I do not see it possible to truly be in love with two people... taking a break from work was probably a good idea, you now have time to get your head together. Think about what it is you need in life and go from there, but do remember that you married this man for a reason!
  • just talk to the co worker about your feeling. It would end hidden emotions. Believe me it would ease you out.
  • You have two options, you can leave your husband and start a relationship with this person, or you can leave this person. You have to decide who you love more. That is easier said than done. If it turns out that you do love this person enough to continue seeing them on a regular basis, tell your husband the truth so that the both of you can have the freedom to be in the real relationships each of you deserves. Good luck to you.
  • it's infatuation, I'm going thru the same it's so hard, in my case he hasnt said anything and i will never go up to nobody cause I wouldnt like to be rejected maybe he feels the same I dont know. I feel you its so painful but the feeling will eventually fade..
  • Leave this married person for both your sakes. Change jobs. It WILL be worth it. Put all you have into your marriage. Meditate on what you fell in love with your husband,m your early days, those special things that drew you together. Fill your heart nd mind with things things, the things he did to make you fall in love. And don't spend time thinking on yourself. Act as if you aren't important, only other people. THEY are the priority. ANd do this quick. Allow no place for grieving over what you think you lost. It will not help at all.
  • I am currently separated, my husband and I were having alot of financial problems the last couple years along with other issues, my love slowly was fading I just didn't realize it for a while. In January we were hiring techs and I swear it was the weirdest thing I receive a phone call from this man, he was so out going and I felt an instant chemistry on the phone and even more when he walked in the office , I'm telling you it was like this instant attraction between us both. Anyhow as time passed we started flirting and would always stare at eachother , he even admitted to pretending to need paperwork at the office just to look at me. Well one day he gave me a ride home and we had a great conversation , I found out he also was attached but not married, he was in a long distance relationship. Well one day we decide to meet after work and I tell you sparks flew, I started coming up with excuses to leave the house to meet with him and this happened for a few weeks, now I have never cheated before not on my husband or even in past relationships so I was not good at lieing and my husband got suspicious very quickly. I had tried asking for a separation but he begged and cried that he wouldn't leave. Well exactly one month to the date I began my affair, my husband caught me the most obvious way, through a phone message, he had figured out my password and played my lover's message for me. Needless to say I tried to deny it at first, he got really crazy and called everyone in my family to show them what a whore I had been. The night he caught me , I had to call the police because I was afraid he would hurt me, so I took my daughter and left. Even after it all, the next day he pleaded with me to make it "work" but I was sure I wanted out and he moved out. It's been a month since and I still am seeing my lover as for my husband he has his ups and downs where he loves me or hates me. Either way my marriage was over long before I had the affair. I beleive he just made it easier for me to get out of an unhappy marriage. My only regret is having sex before the separation. My coworkers found out , which i deny , he no longer works at my company and I'm happy for that. As far as what will happen, who knows,it's not easy and especially keeping my daughter away from the new man ,she is only 4 and i don't want to confuse her she misses her dad dearly ,who has refused to pay child support. All I know is that this man walked in that office for a reason. Who knows, follow your heart and do what you need to do. You only live once.
  • Well i am going through that situtation right now. I was married(now seperated) and my co-worker is married. We have been together now for a year. I believe that you have to go the way that makes you happy. My marriage lasted ten years that i was never happy in. I stayed in it because i thought that would be better for my son. I found out through lots of soul searching that i needed to be happy as much as the next person and if i weren't happy i couldnt make anyone else happy. Good luck!
  • i bet you are a woman too? sheesh, bad idea. knock it off...HES MARRIED!
  • You have fallen for one of the most common phenomenoms at the work place. Think about spend 8-9+ hours with someone than go home and see your spouse for 4-5 hours. Physical and emotional attractions are competing daily. Throw in little friction and fun at work against tension at home, kid raising (if any), hustle bustle schedules to get ready for work the next day. It's perfectly normal to fall on the side of work relationships. You know have this knowledge so it's up to you to decide how you want to use it. Is your marriage worth saving? Then buckle down on what's reality and what's not and approach your problem with a greater sense of what you want. Many feelings are at stake.
  • I too am in the same situation. My co worker does not know how I feel. We flirt everyday,an everyday it gets more intense. I'm miserable when I don't see him (weekend's etc..) I think maybe he feels something for me too, but i'm too afraid too tell him for fear of rejection. I have 'it' really bad for him.I don't have any advice, but I totally understand you situation, and know how hard it is.
  • Wow im actually a guy whom has a bitter lady at home but is in love with a coworker. Lingering on how i fell in love with the women i live with does no good because she isnt that girl any more after barly 5 yrs. I still try to fire it up with no luck. After a trajic accident with another coworker me and this female coworker got very close. eventually she invited me over to her home. i met her children. she met my son. i fell in love with her. no sex. just REAL conversation. anywho, beleive me i know your pain. ii tried talkin to my girl bout how i feel. she wont liston, i have never cheated b4 so hence the no sex. but hang in there. i know it feels like a desparate situation.

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