• So JFK could become president one day, aside from that it could have been the potato famine.
  • Potato famine. They had to get some money for food then to not starve.
  • The main reason was the ruthless occupation of the British. The British came to take control over the grazing grounds, farm feilds, and natural resources as well as a way to easy the over population problem they had. To do that they had to kill the Irish off starting with the Royal Families. Whole villiages were anialated. Those who could fled to Europe to places like Spain, Amsterdam, and France. Those who couldn't either submitted or died. As time went on and the relgion of Britian changed to Protestant you can add in relgious persacution that was worse then what the Romans did when Christianity came to Ireland. When Britian started colonizing America the Irish came here to distance themselves from the brutality at home. The British promised if the Irish came here they would be left alone. When the Patato Famine hit there was enough food to feed everyone in meat and wheat. However, it all belong to the British over lords who wouldn't let the Irish have any of it so they left to come here to try and find a better life. In effect they were starved out at a time of plenty except there were no patatoes for the poor to eat.
  • The snakes came back.
  • To seek a better life. Same as all immigrants. They were colonised by the British and life was hard. The first wave was during the potato famine in the 1840s. The second wave was in the 1980s when high unemployment led to mass emigration.
  • So they could open up some Pubs and serve some good food and drink to the people of the U.S.
  • The great potato famines that struck caused starvation. Many saw oportunity here providing labor for jobs native english Americans would not take.

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