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  • I have dark brown hair and think it looks better when it's lighten, for guys, I like them to have darker hair. No blondes for me.
  • I don't really care.
  • for myself dark, for anyone else it doesn't matter to me!
  • I don't have a preference. I've been blonde, I'm naturally dark, and now I'm naturally dark with the help of hair color. Some people would look ridiculous dark and vice versa. My daughter in the last few months has had orange, yellow, green, navy and now back to brown hair. While I didn't really like the rainbow colors, they looked cute on her. So I think it just really doesn't matter.
  • I like dark hair. I am blonde, myself, but I still love the rich tones of dark hair.
  • dark hair makes everyone look better.
  • My natural hair color is really dark brown and ever since i was little i hated it. In the past year i have changed my hair color three times, first to really light brown and then to dark red-black and now to kinda ash brown-light brown and i guess i love my current hair color, i think it better suits my skin tone. I think people's hair color looks better if it goes with their skin tone.
  • I personally hate extremely light blond hair...but a dirty blond is nice. I don't care too much for black either...I don't mind an auburn brown color.

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