• It usually means that a girl or guy is behaving in a teasing or sexy way that dupes someone (or several people) into thinking that they will be willing to have sex and/or a relationship with them, but at the last minute they back out of the deal and don't go through with it (In Britain we also call it prick-teasing- its quite a derogatry term). No doubt there are girls and guys that practice this because they enjoy the feeling of power of being able to wrap someone around their little finger with their sexuality without actually having to give anything back, but its also often used by guys to put down a girl who he found attractive and was nice to him, but didn't actually want to go all the way with him, leaving him frustrated through no intention of her own, so be wary- there's two sides to every story with this!
  • Politicians are good at “leading one on”. Instead of doing what they say they’ll do, they do as they want while “leading us on”. They play a mind game. Sadly, it’s learned early on in schools. Someone pretends to like a person but they have no intent to carry it through to a relationship or friendship. The victim in this case is only a plaything. People should be clear with others but as teenagers they are learning how to behave. In the case you mention with a guy who was not too likeable; the one doing the “leading on” knows the outcome. Of course the guy is the one in this case who gets hurt because the intent was never serious. Some “lead on” just to prove a point to their buddies and so on. This is true for girls or guys. It’s normal behaviour in high schools but that doesn’t make it right. It used to be called two-timing where a person would date one when leading the other on and making the other think that they were important to them. It’s a game for children and politicians with one difference – supposedly the politicians are adults.

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