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  • This is me again the same one who asked the question I wanted to also say I am a virgin. So if it happened sadly he took my virginity. So would I deff be able to tell due to this?
  • baby girl i suggest you go to a free clinic and have someone check you out because if you did have sex you need to be tested i'd rather you be tested and find out you didnt than not be tested and you did and just didnt know it. i would think you would feel the difference i know when i first got fingered i still could feel a little something 2days after but who knows he could have had a really small but go get check out look up free clinics online if you dont want your parents to know.
  • FYI you do know that is considered rape Hun? You can get chrages filed on this perp for it is not consensual sex if he did this while you are unconscious.
  • did seman come out of your area later on? other than that i dunno.
  • How stupid can you be to get THAT drunk??? What is wrong with girls nowadays?

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