• I don't think you should look at marriage that way! Marriage is something you need to make sure that you want to do with the person that you are with! Just imagine that you are going to be with this one person for the rest of your life! Does it feel good or scary? What have you been through with the person you are with? Have you lived together? Do you both want children? Do you think it will work? Those are the type of questions you want to ask yourself... Not what age...
  • When both of you are ready to make the commitment to each other and have thought about it more then the "I love you lets get married." passing thought.
  • I think it depends on the person, but generally they say no one should marry until after age 25. It's just common sense that most people in their early twenties are too immature and would not be ready for such a committment. Personally, I think the best age to marry is between age 29 and 32, people have grown up by then and it's usually when people have decided what they want out of life.
  • What is the best age... A legal age would be good for starters. This is the "marrying a non-Mormon" section. That, of course, is in and of itself rather ill-advisable, seeing as we're in the "Mormonism" section. That said, from a Mormon perspective, this becomes a very difficult question to answer as I'm not aware of any great times to decide to do such a thing, knowing, as you should, that you will not be able to be sealed in the temple to a non-member, and that such sealing is important to obtain exaltation. Marriage is a partnership. It is a partnership, which hopefully will continue forever. As such you need to be spiritually and emotionally developed sufficient to discriminate those characteristics in a potential mate that may or may not make for a good eternal companion.
  • Late 20's, anytime prior is too young. It takes time to really know who you are let alone learn about someone else
  • 25 worked well for me. As for too young, it depends on the person and when they are responsible enough to deal with it. I'd advise no one under 19 at the very youngest.
  • The minimum(here in India) should be 24 for men and 21 for women.I think, 25 and 22 for men and women would be ideal. Also, I feel a difference of 3-4 yrs between the ages of the bride and the groom would be better, preferably, the man of a higher age.
  • In 20's... it is the ideal age... The young is too young when it is before 20's... In 20's he/she is in a mature age...
  • Whenever you are ready to support yourself and your partner economically.
  • Here in America, I believe the divorce rate for people who get married before the age of 25 is 75% or greater. People who get married after 25 have a much better shot at marriage working.
  • According to Mother Nature, females are ready to bear child when they start their menstrual cycles, and males are capable of impregnating a female when they start to experience erections. Take this away and I would say that the ideal age to get married is dependent on the current expectations of the socio-economic strata in which you live.
  • There is no age when it is best to be married, nor is there a best age to be married, and the only time when it is too young is when you are still legally a child.
  • I'd say 25-30. By that age you should have established yourself but are still young enough to be able to merge your dreams with someone else's dreams
  • I got married at 17 and he was 21, and can speak from experience that 17 is entirely too young for me to get married. (No, I wasn't pregnant...everyone asks me that when they find out I got married so young, so let me get that out of the way) I had all these ideas about how lovely life was going to be...boy was I in for a shock. Looking back, I don't think I was emotionally mature enough at the time. I am still with my husband 3 kids later and I'm 24 now. We've been really close to splitting up several times, but right now things are good. I think it would've been better had we waited until I was like 23...or atleast older than 17..I think it has to do with much more than age, though. Emotional maturity is different for everyone, so I don't think age is the only thing that needs to be considered, there are many, many, more factors that need to be thought about as well.
  • the best age to marry is late twenties because people at these ages are more conciously and they tend to take responsibilities as we all know marriage means responsibility.maturity is another important point to marry.many early marriages con not be succesful
  • I think the best age to marry is late twenties. You are constantly, growing, changing as lifes new experiences affect you. The likelyhood of growing apart from someone increases the younger you are when you get together. I think your late twenties is when you have the most solid footing on the ground and are most capable to be a productive member of a marriage. When you are younger, you haven't really grasped the concept of selflessness.
  • When you are ready to be a spouse and can taek care of a home, children, can give emotional support to others and know how to receive it from them as well. When you know what you are going to do in the future and have someone that has those same plans and dreams. For some it can come early, for others, never. I was 14 when i met my husband and I knew that I loved him for sure by 15. But we waited until I was 18. It helped that he was almost 5 years older and more mature, settled into a job and such. We've been married for 35 years and I wouldn't change a thing. Then again, I've met 30-40 year olds that still hadn't learn how to interact with others and take responsibility for themselves, let alone other people.
  • A very loaded question, no? Everyone's an individual, and there are too many variables in life to find a one size fits all answer. Assuming everyone involved is an adult, the best time to marry is when you find the person you want to be married to. Parents hope this happens later rather than sooner, in order to allow the kids more time to become educated and established, but if it's a choice between them getting married and shacking up anyway...that's a no brainer.

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