• Nothing in alcohol forces you to tell the truth. It does however, eliminate inhibitions and judgement. Some parts of the brain shut down so you might not even be remember the truth. You are more likely to say things that you would not normally say and ignore the consequences. While this may often be the truth, it may not be because you are doing it for a different reason. For instance, you know a secret that you really want to tell but don't for some reason. You could easily tell the secret because the desire is there.
  • Yes alcohol make you tell the truth. once your drunk all your little secret comes out because whe your drunk it's like you have one of those blackouts and then you don't know what your doing nor what your saying so yeah that's true.
  • It's doubtful whats the first thing you hear a person say when stopped by a police officer i only had one beer , yeah right if your enclined to lie you will if your inclined to be truthful than there you have it ,
  • When your drunk you don't know what your saying for real you just be drunk and get to talking about everything such as all your little secrets or somebody else little secret. you wouldn't know what your saying until the next day when someone comes and tell you.
  • Drinking alcohol does not "make" you do or say anything. Depending on how much you drink you may drop some of your inhibitions or not think clearly enough to use good judgement (which is why some people keep drinking until they pass out or die) but generally speaking it won't "make" you do anything that isn't already in your heart. I think it's arguable that someone who is very drunk who is asked a question might be less likely to resist the temptation to blurt out whatever answer first comes to mind, but that doesn't mean it's the truth.
  • Most of my brothers and sisters drink very heavily. I'm the only one in the family who doesn't drink at all. I hear a lot of cruel, hurtful and rude words coming out of people, which hurt a great deal. The thing is, you can't take it back, the excuse that "well I was drunk at the time" doesn't cut it, and it distance's myself from them, weakness the friendship and makes them far more unreliable. The sad thing is my eldest sister has said some terrible things about her own daughter, who’s twelve. My older brother is now in a nursing home at the age of 47, due to the effects of excessive drinking over many years. It's strange and I don't know why myself, but I have very little sympathy for him and have done basically nothing except visit him once in hospital. I could have got away with that too, but the hospital was in the same suburb. Alcohol does make you tell the truth, but it's a truth no one wants to hear.
  • I honestly just was drunk tonight.. And my fiance and i broke up when we were drunk, and then we talked and cried.. And we were fine. But the point is that when you're drunk you say hurtful things. And honestly i cant stand alcohol. Its pointless and stupid. Who ever reads this please be careful, dont drink and hurt someone you love.
  • YES!... No... Yes! No. Well then, as I sit here and drink my Campari & Orange, I suppose we can safely say that drinking alcohol can make you tell the truth, or tell a lie...
  • The old saying goes, "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts."
  • i tend to shout out alot of true stuff when i its quite funny..
  • 'in wine there is truth' And also horniness.. Seriously, i think alcohol drops the inhibitions and makes you speak whatever is in your heart - the urge is always there to say those things, you just know better when you're sober. As for men who get so drunk they expose themselves in public, well...i cant explain that one.
  • no, I don't think it does. If it did we could get all the criminals in court drunk before they had to testify.
  • oh god yes. To new extents that I never knew existed. ;-)
  • Alcohol does make you tell the truth. Depending on the questions asked. It also makes you lie. My judgment isn't impaired that badly when I am drunk so I think I just say what I want and do what I want because I feel happy or horny.
  • Hello, I have recently got very drunk and said many hurtfly things like I have in the past, but when I am sober I really to not feel that way. My wife is convinced that these are my true feelings and that is why it comes out.... any feedback or advise would be helpful. I am in 5 days without a drink and have thought of all the things said and do not feel there are true... advise...
  • I think so but I have never had a bad experience with alcohol but them maybe I have nothing to hide as I am straightforward anyway. My sister always get aggressive and tells her husband some "home truths" when she has been drinking but she does not say them when sober, I know that she means them though
  • I think people that tend to hide their true feelings when sober if drunk enough will say their true feelings. They may regret it or deny it once they are sober but usually people speak from their heart when they are drunk no matter how much they may not have wanted to.
  • This is not an answer but another same question. Right after coming back from heavy drinking, we got in a flight and he told me he hadn't been happy with our marriadge most of the time. He cursed directly at me. When alcohol began wearing off, he began to go back to normal, and started apoloizing. Then he says he has been happy 99 percen of the time we've been together, and I am the center of his life. Coming from the same person(middle aged), how can his answer to such a serious question from his wife be so different? Can't he tell his answer to a question of love even when drunk? Is it that when he is sober he manages even unconsciously to tuck away his unhappiness. Wow this turned out a deep question.
  • Alcohol is a depressant. What a depressant means is that it amplifies the emotion you are feeling. So if something is thinking something casually drinking can reinforce the idea in their head an make them say it out loud. It doesn't mean they are speaking the truth though.
  • When a person is drunk they loose their inhibitions. But that doesn't nessacarily mean they tell the truth when they're drunk. Some people might go the other way from being mostly truthful when they're sober to spewing out complete BS when drunk. Some people are happy drunks. Some people are MEAN drunks. Some people are just stupid drunks that piss everyone around them off. I would definately not consider alcohol a truth serum.
  • I have to agree with Jimbob 100%! It is a depressant. And although at times, one may be speaking the truth, one may not too. So, if one is upset or angry they are just gonna bicker about stupid crap..Especially with alcoholics...ya, they make speak the truth, but they go back n forth, back n forth. So, you never know, what is the truth and what isn't anymore.
  • Yes, and it also makes you lie.
  • I have an interesting story to share, some friends and I went to a local pub to have drinks and enjoy a band, about two hours later my friend shows up with their boyfriend and for no reason at all I start a fight with this person, dont remember dont know why, and ended up loosing a friend over it, going through the humiliation of getting kicked out of a bar, and feeling like crap the next day, bottom line its just not worth drinking, not to loose a friend, I was drinking Captain and Coke when all this happened and It was alot, however when I drink beer things are alot different, more mellow and fun loving
  • Yes more so than when I am not drinking.
  • Yes and have sex with ugly people.
  • I dont know about that but it can make you say things you wish you hadn't!!!
  • yes i think it does and can get you in to alot of trouble ha ha its good thought int it
  • No...It makes me agressive and violent. Im always honest. Especially with what I think about other people if they ask.
  • I think drinking alcohol can make you tell alot of things truth and lies, but one thing is for sure is that it brings out the true character of a person.
  • I had an uncle that drank alot. When I was a child, he would tell stories to my sister and me. I remember this one, he was in the military and was stationed in Egypt. He said they have Giant bees that love to steal beer, and you could hear them coming from a mile away. If alcohol makes you tell the truth, I'm never going to Egypt... It totally depends on the person doing the drinking. The only thing it did for my uncle, was give him some really entertaining and totally off-the-wall stories, and destroyed his liver.
  • I think alcohol gives some people liquid courage. Some of my friends tell me stuff when they are drunk that they would be too shy to tell me when they are sober.

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