• not much meaning, its illogical. some victors in wars havent really benefited, they get dragged down by losses as well
  • wow i can't believe this question has only gotten one answer to date. after giving it much thought i decided to look for the definition in a dictionary, this was their definition: 1 a (1): a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations (2): a period of such armed conflict (3): state of war b: the art or science of warfare c (1)obsolete : weapons and equipment for war (2)archaic : soldiers armed and equipped for war 2 a: a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b: a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end <a class war> <a war against disease> i guess it seems like a pretty logical answer even though they have left the patriarchal aspect of war out. i would define war as a struggle and/or hunger for power. at times there have been wars that seemed to be a bit more justifiable but in general they all stem from that same elusive thing called the need for power. what i don't understand is how people are so easily brainwashed to sacrafice their lives for a cause that doesn't benefit them. its absurd. there you have it.
  • War means that our world is far from civilised, and that our politicians have failed us.
  • I've got a feeling it bodes ill for your grasp of history and politics Common Sense, that you assume so much about me, knowing nothing of me, and get it so terribly wrong. You say I "believe anything not perfect isn't civilised", and this is laughably untrue. I think killing and war are uncivilised, that's all. You say I want a "perfect world", but that is also untrue. I want a BETTER world, that's all. You are kind of right I suppose, when you say I think animosity is uncivilised. I might just have to agree, yes, animosity is uncivilised. As for contentedness, I have plenty, personally. But it aint just about me, there are millions worse off than me, in Iraq, in Africa, in the US, and here in the UK. It is for them I crave something better. Isn't a measure of ones civilisation how well one treats those worst off?
  • To thin out the masses, a population control and to gain power through fear.
  • Who said it had a meaning?
  • I think things have points and definitions, not meanings. So you could say what is the point of war - to which I would answer that each side in a war thinks they are in the right, so no one is ever right, so there is no point to it. Or you could say what is the definition of war - to which I would say look at misshell's answer. Nothing really has a meaning, what is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of society? What is the meaning of the universe?? Meanings don't really exist. (This is freaking out my brain a little, I'm going to stop now!)
  • The meaning of war is to solve a conflict using violence.
  • because there is always someone who feels they need to have more power.
  • Because people are stupid.

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