• Or is your mind a product of your body, as many people believe. Actually though, I'm a dualist. I believe mind and body are separate.
  • I sense that more people than not walk through space and time believing there IS a separation between 'mind' and 'body.' For whatever reason, I suppose this may bring a sort of illusionary comfort to those that believe this to be true. However, speaking personally of course, I believe 'it' is absolutely magical and wonderful this mind/body thing ... all this working in union! There is no question in my mind (HA!) that my my brain AND my body 'create' my mind. They are in concert always, playing harmoniously, even when I am unconscious of it, functioning together as a chorus in this shape I call, 'me.' It is unique to the human species that we have 'abstract thought.' The very fact that you are able to ask your question is a product of this very human ability. And, more ... I believe it is a delightful gift, even when least appreciating it as such. In this, we ARE 'what we think.' The biochemicals that are produced from negative and positive thoughts and their accompanying feelings, 'nourish' how these 'foods' affect my ENTIRE SYSTEM, that which is my functioning, human being 'instrument.' Regardless of view, there can never be a separation. Even this makes me chuckle! For I can, all at the same time, keep 'my feet on the ground' while my 'head is in the clouds!' ;) Many would like 'to think' they can travel outside of their bodies, but even this is a product of mind/body and as mentioned, a gift of abstract thought. And, oh, what varied packages these very gifts arrive in! Oh how wonderful we 'get to' dream and imagine ... how we create livelihoods ... how we are literally able 'to feel' loved or offer it in return ... how fabulous that we can taste, touch, ear, smell and see with any modicum of attention and awareness and conscientiousness! Are these separate from the body? No ... I don't think so. It is my brain singing through my mind that allows me to be cognitive of this, my own choice!
  • No metaphysical problem is more vigorously discussed by the present day psychologists than that of mind and body. Most of us assume that all thinking takes place in the brain. It is only since a few decades that psychologists are treating body and mind as a single unit called psycho-somatic system. This led to the development of new subjects like Psycho-biology and Psycho-neuro-immunology. Modern medicine has recognized the brain-spine system as a single unit, but it does not assign thinking functions to any part of the spine. It is now known that even when a considerable amount of brain is removed through surgery, a person can still have reasonable mental abilities and can lead a near normal life. Modern research found that one region in brain can perform several tasks and so can compensate for the loss of damage of another region. On the contrary, surgical removal of some 'safe' parts from womb of women is known to cause problems of mind like dementia. Then, what are the components of mind and where are they located? Indians put their hand on the chest when they say "I am saying this from the depths of my Manas". Manas (rational mind) is a common word used in India, and no one shows his head when he uses that word. The Europeans have an esoteric tradition that mind exists independently of the physical brain, and thoughts become known to a person through the brain. [The Hutchinson Encyclopedia, The topic on "mind", Computer CD Version, 2002.] During the 1970s, neurologists became increasingly dissatisfied with the epiphenomenalism theories of mind and brain. More scientists came to suspect that mind and brain were different in a kind and could interact. [Donald Watson, A Dictionary of Mind and Spirit, Andre Deutsch Ltd., London, 1991, "epiphenomenalism"] Carl Jung distinguished persons according to four primary functions of mind - thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition - one or more of which predominated in any given person. According to ancient Hindu scriptures, the various components (or faculties) of mind are : Ahamkaara (Self-sense): The need that "I have to survive" originates here. The sense of smell is connected with this center. It has the lowest vibration of energy among the components of mind. Some of the traits of this center are similar to the influences of planet Saturn according to astrology. This center works dominantly on Saturday. Chitta (Emotion): It deals with the particular. Subconscious instincts like "I am hungry", "I am thirsty", and "I have to sleep" originate here. This center is connected with emotional thoughts like fantasies, artistic inspiration, and biological needs. The sense of taste is connected with this center. It has higher vibration of energy than Ahamkaara. Some of the traits of this center are similar to the influences of planet Venus according to astrology. This center works dominantly on Friday. Manas (Reason): It deals with the general. Manas is connected with rational thinking, and mental interaction with others. Conscious thoughts of will-power like "I have to do this", "I do not want to do this", "I can not tolerate this" originate here. We know that a person always shows his chest, and never shows his head, when he utters such expressions. This center is connected with traditions and social needs. Manas lists out the applicable pros and cons of the subject under consideration, and suggests the practical possibilities. The sense of touch is connected with this center. It has higher vibration of energy than Chitta center. Some of the traits of this center are similar to the influences of planet Mercury according to astrology. This center works dominantly on Wednesday. Buddhi (Intellect): It deals with deliberation of the pros and cons using discrimination to determine on a subject [5,6]. This center gives out the judgment after considering what is emotional and what is rational. Buddhi deals with a person's normal abilities . Thoughts like "I do not have enough resources (or energy) to handle this situation", " This is some thing not known to me before, but I can manage it", and "I can do it, but I have to think again whether I should do it" originate here. This center has the ability to balance and control other parts of mind. The sense of seeing is connected with this center. It has higher vibration of energy than Manas center. The traits of this center are similar to the influences of planet Jupiter according to astrology. This center works dominantly on Thursday. Jnaata (Knowing): It deals with a person's extra-ordinary abilities. Instability and restlessness are it's characteristics. Commands for doing physical actions are given by this center. The sense of hearing is connected with this center. It has higher vibration of energy than Buddhi center. The traits of this center are similar to the influences of planet Mars according to astrology. This center works dominantly on Tuesday. It is known to many that more quarrels are likely to take place on Tuesday than any other day of the week. The centers of these parts of the mind are located on the spine. The Ahamkaara center is located at the base of the spine. The Chitta center is located behind the private organ. The Manas center is located behind the thymus gland. The Buddhi center is located behind the navel. The Jnaata center is located behind the throat. In the study of army veterans with spinal-cord injuries, researchers found that they can become emotional but they do not feel it - they do not have the bodily heat that they used to have before the injuries. Jnana (Knowledge): Modern medicine knows that direct stimulation of the surface of the brain (the cortex), while the patient is conscious on the operating table during surgery, has the effect of bringing long forgotten experiences back to awareness. Removal of specific parts of the brain abolishes the retention of specific experiences in memory. The pineal gland in the brain is the seat of Jnaana center which controls memory, knowledge, and serenity. It is the seat of personality with which a person is born. Stability and peace are it's characteristics. The sixth sense is connected with this center. [V. Siva Prasad, Various states of mind: Revelation through Vedic scriptures, Express Star Teller (India), August, 2006, pp. 13 - 18] Modern science has accepted that mind and body form a single unit called psycho-somatic system. What affects one is bound to affect the other.

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