• It has grown to the point where I know just about all the common and medium range known words that most English speakers know. Having taken a few books from history and cultures from the library I have added many names and foreign words that normally would not get a chance to learn. I also like to peruse foreign language dictionaries from time to time and have added new words to my mental lexicon. I can read Spanish quite well and only need to consult a dictionary occasionally if I am unsure as to what a word means. It is a never ending process of addition and erosion of terms I don't commonly use as well as the augmentation of new variations of terms I am somewhat familiar with as well as the reremembering of terms I had known of in the past. It's a never ending process.
  • Since I am living in Germany, my German vocabulary has much more improved than my French vocabulary. (French is my native language)
  • I read a lot of books and pick up words and phrases as I go along. Some words I have had to look up but now use them in everyday conversation.
  • Probably quite significantly. 5 years ago, I was 16, and addicted to being intoxicated in any shape or form. My whole being has drastically improved since then, let alone my vocabulary. I also swear a lot less...although I still swear quite a bit.
  • It has improved a little in the last 8 months. The AB English professors has forced me to pay more attention and I want to thank them. ;)
  • Very little since about the tenth grade. I knew a lot of words when I was young, and once you know them there are less to learn later on.
  • Most inadeguaficiently. I most spend more time reading!
  • Earliest: Ughkh {{{ grunt }}} Before my birth: {{{ woooeee }}} Birth: goo-goo, ga-ga A bit later: ma-ma; da-da Later: Mommy, could you help me? Much later: OOOOH MOTHER!! How could you? NOW:: FLOCINAUCINIHILIPILIICANTION = adj. the act or habit of estimating or describing something as worthless, or making something to be worthless by deprecation". With 29 letters, it is the longest non-technical word in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), which presents it as "enumerated in a well-known rule from the Eton Latin Grammar". The OED dates its first use in literature at 1741 in William Shenstone's Works in Prose and Verse: "I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication of money". Though the OED gives no specifics on its derivation, the word is said to have been invented as an erudite joke by a student of Eton College, who, upon consulting a Latin textbook, found four words connoting 'nothing' or 'worthless', combined them, adding compound suffixes -i-, and -fication (as in e.g. glor-i-fication, from facio, "to make or do") floccus, -i a wisp or piece of wool, used idiomatically as flocci non facio ("I don't give a hoot") naucum, -i a trifle nihil, -is nothing; something valueless (lit. "not even a thread" from ni+hilum) pilus, -i a hair; a bit or a whit; something small and insignificant It is often spelled with hyphens, and has even spawned the back formations floccinaucical (inconsiderable or trifling) and floccinaucity (the essence or quality of being of small importance). The OED appears to have overlooked floccinaucinihilipilificatious, which has one letter more than the nominal form, and means "small" or "insignificant." When the common English nominal suffix -ness is then added to the above adjective, a thirty-four letter noun floccinaucinihilipilificatiousness is formed, which means "smallness" or "insignificance." At 95: goo-goo, ga-ga
  • 6-17-2017 Almost all my vocabulary came from one semester of Latin. I quit because the teacher was lousy. (She thought the same of me.) I took two years of French and the teacher thought I was a wizard because I already knew most of the words.

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