• I can't tell you from experience but from what i have heard it is like tiny blisters and has a burning, itchy, and stinging raw feeling.
  • Only 10% of people with herpes actually have any symptoms. It is commonly overlooked and mistaken for a rash, pimple, yeast infection, or cut. So, it can look like just about any skin irritation or nothing at all. Only a doctor can confirm.
  • im sure it feels much worse emotionally and mentally then it does physically. apart from that, i cant help you.
  • Sorry that I can't give you a first hand account as to how they feel since I never contracted this disease. Here's some images. Pretty nasty isn't it
  • Symptoms of herpes can vary from blisters to just a little redness. heres some pics if you like.
  • I had had herpes for about three years. My partner of seven years got cold sores on his mouth since he was a kid, and we were aware they were herpes, but we thought they couldn't be transmitted from mouth to genitals if there was no cold sore - he was extremely careful to avoid oral sex if he had symptoms. However, I caught it when he had no symptoms, wasn't getting an outbreak or getting over one or anything. As for how it feels, the first outbreak can be pretty horrendous because your body hasn't encountered the virus before. Because it is viral, you can feel really ill - running a temperature and feeling like you have a bad dose of flu. Some people get lots of painful blisters the first time, but I just got a sore at the entrance of my vagina, which did hurt but not bad. The worst was the fact that I had abdominal pain, like during your period, and the fever. You can also get shooting pains in your leg as the virus follows the path of the nerves down your thigh. These were so bad during my first outbreak, they made me limp. For me, recurrent outbreaks have been a breeze though. First I notice I have slightly sore skin on one buttock/on the back of the thigh on one side. It feels like the sore skin you get when you have a cold or flu, but just in a very small area. Then I notice a tiny area of tenderness down below - there is a tiny swelling the size of a pimple. It feels just like a pimple too - the same kind of sensitivity you get when you have a spot or an ingrowing hair. In a few hours I get about 2-4 tiny tiny blisters on the pimple like swelling, which burst almost immediately and scab over. The whole thing is gone within 2-3 days and is absolutely no worse than having a spot in that area. I can honestly say it NEVER hurts. I've had worse ingrowing hairs. Think of it as exactly the same as a cold sore on the lip. Some people get big ones, but most cold sores look no worse than a spot on the lip and don't make you feel ill. Genital herpes is no different. A recurrent outbreak looks nothing like the 'nasty' pictures on the internet. They aren't exactly going for the balanced view - those are pictures of people who are experiencing extremely severe primary outbreaks, not the normal mild recurrent genital herpes.
  • you can check the picture by search herpes at net
  • smell & taste
  • My first (and only known outbreak) It burned and stung so bad, it hurt to walk, wear jeans, or panties, it hurt to pee. and it itches SO bad It looked like cuts. (google herpes pictures)
  • Ha. Condoms don't protect you from Herpes. Check your facts. If they have herpes, and the infection is anywhere not covered by the condom...guess what? You get it.

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