• Pastors need to be registered with the state in order to sign certificates of marriage. However, the requirements for such registration are fairly minimal, usually only a certificate of ordination. You can gain an ordination certificate online for a few dollars, and this will allow you to register as a pastor of your own church ("First Church of Bob" is just fine). Ordination varies from denomination to denomination, so the state allows the churches to decide how they choose a pastor. Otherwise it would be state interference in religion. In matters of faith, the best scenario is "caveat emptor" (let the buyer beware).
  • State Laws vary, and so do the hiring practices of churches, many of which are independent or unaffiliated with any organized religion. In California, religions pretty much set their own rules, and just about anyone can become a priest, or pastor. There are some rules, but they are very inclusive.
  • First and foremost is : You've got to have the desire to serve God...( no matter what ) and to minister to all that needs an understanding about God. Next ; for You to know all these things ( doctrine , teachings, Chapters and Verses in the Bible) you need at least a formal Schooling that leads you to become a Pastor or an evangelist and any other church position. You have to be ordained, and license by the state to practice in solemnizing marriage, baptism (Certificate) and any other church duties that needs to be perform. and lastly You've got to have that "Anointing from God" and everything else follows after that . . .
  • You have a point, but no schooling or anything is required.. I knew a 'non-denominational' pastor once who would ordain almost anyone (even children), all they'd have to do was ask...

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