• Probaly the British Pound (£). I just retrieved these exchange rates, and £1 equals: American Dollar 1.9828 Australian Dollar 2.51401 Brazilian Real 4.02905 Canadian Dollar 2.10871 Chinese Yuan 15.0614 Danish Krone 10.9346 Euro 1.46961 Hong Kong Dollar 15.493 Indian Rupee 81.3742 Japanese Yen 225.663 Malaysian Ringgit 6.96558 Mexican Peso 22.0725 New Zealand Dollar 2.8778 Norwegian Kroner 11.7788 Singapore Dollar 3.03448 South African Rand 14.643 South Korean Won 1884.06 Sri Lanka Rupee 221.975 Swedish Krona 13.7033 Swiss Franc 2.38789 Taiwan Dollar 65.1152 Thai Baht 65.7695 Venezuelan Bolivar 4252.32 using values from Friday, August 17, 2007 As you can see, the pound is currently stronger than all listed currencies. It's great for us when we go on holiday - the last holiday I went on was on a cruise ship owned by an American cruise line, and we were getting great value for money, since everything is paid for in dollars. I don't know how the exchange rate is actually calculated each day. My Dad tried on multiple occasions to tell me how, but unsuccessfully.
  • Which currency is strong depends upon the timescale you are using. Over a long timescale, probably currencies such as the swiss franc have held their value the best. Being a strong currency is, in some ways, a circular definition. If people believe a currency is strong, they buy it as an investment. This pushes its value up, which in turn makes it strong. A strong currency is one which people will keep its value over time. For a currency to have value, people must need to buy it in order to trade. So if the country issuing the currency makes lots of stuff that people want, its currency strengthens as people buy it to buy gadgets. In the other hand, if too much currency is created and starts floating round the system, the price falls because lots of people have that currency and want to sell it. So a strong currency is created by a strong economy, controlled money supply, and a belief by everybody that these are true and will remain true.
  • The strongest currency in opinion is the Kuwaity Dinar, belonging to the small oil-rich middle eastern nation. 1 Kuwaity Dinar = 1.36179 Bahrainy Dinar 1.72949 Great Britian Pound 2.48855 Euro 2.55890 Jordanian Dinar 3.61324 US Dollar 4.72738 New Zealand Dollar 6.34557 Brazilian Reail (rates found on as you can see, the closest thing to one Kuwaity Dinar is the Bahrainy Dinar, and then the British Pound. If I am mistaken with these numbers please inform me and correct me, thank you.
  • I think that the Kuwaity Dinar is currecnty the strongest currency because of the rising oil prices. I think a barrel of oil goes for around $93 these days, and that is why the Kuwaity Dinar is high, and it is appreciating every day, a few days ago, 1 Kuwaity Dinar = $3.605 and today it = $3.61324
  • Why does everyone miss the Kuwaity dinar come on we all know kuwaity dinar is the stongest at present time.
  • A common misconception here is that comparing 1 unit of any currency to another is the way to determine which is stronger. This is just not the case. If it were, then we would have to assume that in each country, the same number of units would buy exactly the same number of essential items, and could be earned doing the same amount of work. For example, say I got paid 10 GBP per hour to work construction in the UK, (1 GBP = 13SEK) you are assuming that I would get paid 10SEK per hour to do the same in sweden? nope, I would get 125 SEK which is about 9.50 GBP This is just an example explaining why you shouldn't get too caught up in the number of units it takes to buy another number of units.
  • u all chat shit the british pound is the strongest
  • When it comes to "strongest" currency, it looks like EVERYONE here is right... the Kuwaity Dinar is APPRECIATING in value - Think short-term investment; the price of oil fluctuates and the entire world seems to be looking to different types of energy. The YEN has been looking good lately - think long-term investment; the major asian industries (China & Japan)are looking VERY good right now and show no signs of falling ANY time soon. The "top-gun" right now IS the pound, and it has been for like the last oh...300 years (kidding...) - think "steady" investment. We all know the pound does not come cheap and since they decided NOT to link up with the EURO (which is also doing well) that should tell you something. I am personally thinking about opening an account and just letting the interest do the rest because the GBP has been strong and will probably stay strong for a very LONG time... thus, depending on your definition of "strong", everyone here makes an excellent point.
  • U S Dollar
  • I believe its kuwaiti dinar which has a stronger currency nowadays, as of today (23 Oct 2008) the value of 1KD is equiv to USD 3.71430. I also agree that KD can't be traded on some parts of the globe (only in Middle East or specifically in GCC areas). But you can use KD as payment for your purchased items even outside Kuwait (Bahrain, Saudi, Qatar, UAE). On personal note, Im glad that the rate of Kuwaiti dinar is kinda high when traded to my countries currency, that would only mean that i will be able to send enough money for my family. :-)
  • to be honest.. the kuwaiti dinar has had the highest rate since i can remember. it hasn't fallen massively like the GBP and the $. also the people who actually get jobs and earn money in kuwait have the ability to convert the Kuwaiti Dinar to any currency and live BIG. i have tried that by going to different countries and experiencing it. i live in kuwait and GBP is pretty high but its pretty much equivilant to half the kuwaiti dinar. so if u get ur money to kuwait, or us dollars or any currency, the living will be expensive to the foreign people. thats why kuwait has 1 million citizens and 2.1 million foreigners as their population. also kuwait has invested massively around the world so if it ever runs out of oil they will still have sources of income around the world, mostly the western part of europe, southeast asia, east asia, and america
  • the kuwaiti dinar isnt used as an international currency because of it being a small country. but it has the 2nd largest stock market in the middle east so it does have a huge role in the international market, not to mention that it is the 4th major exporter in the oil world, and the 9th richest country in the world.
  • Are any of these currencies backed by anything other than the full faith and credit of its issuing country? In other words is there any country that is still on the gold standard or something like it? Otherwise it is all just paper and subject to being devalued like the US dollar or for that fact the Zimbabwe dollar. It only costs 35 million Zimbabwe dollars to buy a loaf of bread and currency is issued in the 100 million and 200 million denominations. "Strongest" then is just a relative value concerning the credit of the country issuing the paper.
  • answer 12 is a disgruntled american with faith his currency is the best and ignores statistics. Answer 13 same as the above except british you guys are lame thats why your currencies are depreciating, sorry to break the news to you guys but your no longer top dog in everything like to was in your daddys day.
  • Apparently Wazaa does not know the answer either. why nor apply the Big Mac test. The country with the cheapest Big Mac has the strongest currency.

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