• Was she ever. Wow, that thing separated like a banana cut with a Ginsu knife on the Guillotine. She was a member of the French Monarchy and when the French revolution hit the Parisian palace, heads were going to roll.
  • Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France during the French Revolution. She was disliked because of her Austrian ancestry and because of her arrogance and extravagance during a time when peasants were starving. In 1789 Paris was seized by the revolutionaries and Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis XVI were held as prisoners at the palace of Tuileries until 1792 when they were charged with treason. Both were sentenced to die by beheading. Louis was beheaded on Jan. 21, 1793 and Marie followed him to her death in October of that same year.
  • MrSublime, Before submitting answers to historical questions you have no familiarity with, please have the common courtesy of doing a little research. King Louis XVI and his wife the queen (Marie Antoinette) did NOT try to escape their palace at Versailles because of a mob. They were taken by the leading factions of the French Revolution to Paris where they were kept, pending their trial for treason and subsequent execution (beheading). The account you so aptly mistold is of their failed attempted escape from Paris by carriage. They were apprehended outside the city limits and returned to custody.

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