• Not all people, but it is a part of human nature i am afraid.
  • Because ignorance is bliss...and people are too lazy to research facts. They like to have it fed to them by the news and schools and just spit it back out instead of digesting it and coming to their own conclusions. That would take energy. And don't assume just because someone comes to different conclusions than you makes them ignorant. That is just is idiotic as choosing to remain in the dark.
  • Which people are we talking about?
  • I guess we have good and bad in every species.
  • They havn't been taught yet.
  • Because they don't take time to reason things out and base their opinions off emotion.
  • *Grunt* Dunno... you got a problem with that :-P
  • I was born this way d@mnit..I cant help it..LOL:)
  • While there are some people who are simply intellectually incurious (one of the major complaints people have about President Shrub), it is also the case that we are simply overwhelmed by the amount of information necessary to function in the modern world. Let's take a simple example: You're at the grocery store (and you're somewhat environmentally-minded) and the checker asks "Paper or plastic?". What do you choose? Why? Do you really know enough about the process chains of each kind of bag to know which one has the lesser overall environmental impact? And which environmental goal is important anyway? Least landfill space? Lowest energy used in production? Lowest CO2 generated? Least harm to plants and animals? That's just ONE decision in a given day. Multiply that by the hundreds of decisions we have to make and there's simply not enough brain power to apply to all of them.
  • Possibly because they choose to be or for some reason are not able to learn more.

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