• Kids tended to pick on me because I wore glasses and very quiet.
  • Little bit of both. I was bullied somewhat in grade school but I was 6 feet tall in middle school. I was pretty good in sports by then too so I bullied some of the kids who messed with me in grade school. Call it payback.
  • I am the bullied one. People like to bully me because I don't talk and move swiftly through the hallways in a deliberate attempt to stay oblivious to everyone else. Apparently, people don't like that kind of thing.
  • Neither. I had far too many friends, and we all swarmed together for protection from the bullies. ... if I EVER bully anyone, even now at age 48, my martial arts (Ninja) grande master will honour her threat to make me dissapear ... I have sworn oaths to never do so, and as a good little Buddhist, I would never even consider being a bully.
  • I was bullied.
  • A sad example of what can happen because of bullies and because of sensitive minds.
  • Some school kids grabbed my brother once and and poured perfume on his coat because they thought he was gay. I tried to fight back and they knocked my glasses off and broke them. My brother is mentally deficient due to a birth defect.
  • No neither.
  • I was bullied very badly while at school. At one point I had 2 gangs in the school wanting me dead, one on the way to school and one in my estate also wanting me dead and an abusive alcoholic father who would beat me every night. I lived, obviously.
  • Yes, I was bullied at school.
  • I have never bullied anyone, but people have tried to bully me... but without effect.
  • I think everyone has had some bullying experiences growing up.
  • When you are the victim of bullying, it is hard to forget. (Ask eminem.) I was victimized by a bully in church, of all places, as a young child. My father was the minister and that didn't prevent it. Life is long and you would think something like that would pass...but it hasn't. It is one of the memories I carry with me and not one of the memories that has been erased and supplanted.

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