• I think it would be your choice,even if you were a practicing christian.Why let any doctrine rule your life,or dictate what you think?As humans we have the right to do what we want,because of free will.
  • Yes, Muslim men can marry Christian or Jewish women. Neither of you needs to convert. You do not need to cover your head and body (wear "hijab"), that's a cultural practice and not a religious requirement in the Koran. However, you should dress conservatively, and covering your hair is necessary IF you should ever enter a mosque. (Note: Please do not keep posting the same question repeatedly. You can ask additional questions by leaving comments to someone's answer. You should also be able to get this information from your potential husband).
  • Not if you are a man. You can if you're a woman.
  • No you cannot. The Qu'ran states a muslim woman and man can only marry a muslim. Therefore, you must convert to Islam. I suggest you read more about islam or read the Qu'ran to learn more about marriage.
  • Def. not, you must convert to islam. Only christian women can marry muslim men but theres also a law about that in the long run. Check out the Qu'ran, cant really hurt :)
  • Of course you can. My husband is a Turkish Muslim and im apparantly a christian....actually i'm a non believer if the truth be told which is even worse to some religious factionI. Our wedding was in a non religious venue with non religious vows. We will however have a muslim blessing by an Imam and i will dress according to his muslim tradition although my husband does not insist on this I choose to out of respect. As for muslim women marrying outside their religion that is not so. My sister in law is married to a christian. It all depends at the end of the day on the individuals, on how they take and view the extreemes of their religion :)
  • You can marry whoever you please, as long as you are an adult, BUT Let me give you some advice 1)if you are marrying a Muslim man who comes from another country,you may put any children you have together in jeopardy if the marriage breaks up. There are thousands of women who can attest to this. The children are often taken overseas and the woman has no choice, if she wants to see them, but to go and live in the home country, where she is subject to that country's laws. I deal with Indonesia regularly, and know what happens. 2) your children will be raised Muslim. You will have no choice. 3)in my experience as a pastor's wife, I have seen quite a few women who have married outside their faith (even as non-practicing women), then found their faith later. This puts them in conflict with their husbands. 4) if your husband is a non-practising Muslim of local origin, there is no guarantee that he will not become more hardline as time goes on. There is a big pressure being put on young Muslims these days. Do you really want to risk this?
  • You can, but I wouldn't!
  • You could but be sure you should, if you would.
  • A muslim woman must marry a muslim. A muslim man can marry anyone whose religion has a book i.e. Jewish (Torah) or Christian (Bible).
  • A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. As a Muslim, top of her list of priorities would be (1) obedience to God. Her natural inclination, supported by Islam, would be (2) to keep the most important man in her life, her husband, happy. She might find herself in situations where she can’t do (2) because of (1). For example she knows her husband loves bacon, ham, pork but she can’t prepare, or serve those for him and she knows her husband would love it if she could accompany him to the pub/bar for a few drinks with his friends and their wives, but she can’t. Her husband might want her to raise her hemline and lower her neckline so that he can show off like his friends do, but she would wish he didn’t want her to. A Muslim man can marry a woman from “the people of the Book”. The HQ uses this phrase as a term of honour to refer to the Jews and Christian. (Remember the word bible literally means book, and the Bible comprises both the OT and the NT, so “the people of the Book” would refer to both Jews and Christians). Some scholars say that permission is really more for the Jews because they are more purely monotheistic than the Christians. In either case, the husband in such a marriage is required by Islam not to put any obstacles that would make it difficult for his wife to practice her faith. Islam forbids the husband from forcing his religion on his wife. The wife is under no obligation to follow Islamic requirements like hijaab, as an example, because they are not applicable to her. The above says you can do it, it is allowed, it doesn’t say you should do it. Married life is not a bed of roses as many couples will admit, it can be hard work to keep a marriage working in the best of circumstances. When you have a situation where there are differences from the very start then one needs to tread even more warily. However, it is permissible and there are examples of it working out alright.
  • "Yes, Muslim men can marry Christian or Jewish women. Neither of you needs to convert. You do not need to cover your head and body (wear "hijab"), that's a cultural practice and not a religious requirement in the Koran. However, you should dress conservatively, and covering your hair is necessary IF you should ever enter a mosque." Ok the correct answer to this is yes! The Prophet (saw) married a Jewish & Christian women. The Hajib is Obligatory in Islam. The Prophet deemed it so! It is not Cultural it is Religous. Please not that a Muslim man or woman can not convert or apostasize from Islam this is a Great Sin! A muslim man should marry a non Muslim Woman only if She has the Understanding would be ultimately the Women will except Islam and The Children grow up Muslim. The guy who posted the Ignorant comment above can not be a Muslim. If he is he needs to seek Knowledge because misleading people and gving false Information is a Grevious sin thats calls for a Grevious punishment....May God Bless us all.
  • This is What the Qur'an States "And do not marry the polytheist women (Mushriks) until they believe. A believing slave woman is better that a polytheist woman, even though the latter may please you. And do not marry your womenfolk to disbelieving men until they believe. A believing slave is better that a polytheist even though the latter may please you . . ." [Sura Al Baqarah/2:221 This is saying That the Mushrikeen are Off Limits for Muslim Men....for those that don't speak arabic a Mushrik is One who associates partners with God & Worship Idols like the Pagan Arabs of the Times... Sura Al Ma'ida (5:6) "This day all innately good things are lawful for you…Lawful to you are the chaste women from among those who have been given the Book before you. . . ." (i.e. Jews and Christians). This is saying the Ahle Kitab or The Women of the People of the Book are Lawful for the Muslim Man. The Daleel (Proof) in this is The Rasool (Prophet) Marrying Maria, a Coptic Christian and The Marriage of Safiyya who was a Jew. The law specifically mentions muhsanaat (chaste females) from the People of the Book, it did not say muhsaneen (chaste males.
  • Not if you are a man.
  • hi if you are women then yes you can marry Muslim man, accepting that the your kids will be Muslims but if you are man then NO you can't marry a Muslim girl unless you revert to Islam and when you doing this it has to come from your heart and not just a cover up or to fool her parent, Allah knows best
  • Yep, but expect to raise your kids Muslim.
  • If you are a man, you would liberate a muslim-born woman from a wretched life as a sha gh ole under a black tent, but might need to relocate to avoid honor-killing. * * * If you are a woman, one couldn't think of more perverse degradation, even as an alternative to suicide. Remember: You'd be breedi ngmus lims and pol lute the planet! * * * Going back to practising Christianity would be the least offensive alternative!
  • That depends on the Muslim. You can start by asking one you want to marry.
  • Why would anyone want to do something so silly?
  • it depends, why would you want to do that ??? afterall being a non practising christian has loads of benefits..... no worries about life after death. Consider this if you gonna marry a muslim you will inadvertently be attracted to the religion some day or the other and then you'll have to become pious and leave all the habibts behind and it can be tormentful so would you really wanna give up all those things ??? eg: No Beer, No Pork and no fashionable dress and the list goes on and on and on :)
  • you can marry who ever you want
  • YOu can marry a woman !
  • If you want to you can.. but it would be wise to do your homework, especially regarding your place in their society.
  • For what? Are you looking for a Muslim to marry? Find one and ask.

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