• Yogurt is an easy food to digest.
  • mmm... being the 2nd person to answer this question, I don't really see why it is -2. It's truly a good question... (+ for you) Anyways....Chicken soup, potatoes, basically things that don't have many things mixed into them. Basic foods unlike some really big $30 meal. Like a gigantic casserole with like 25 things mixed into it (I know it sounds tempting. I like it too!!) may be harder to digest.
  • I would recommend foods that are low in fiber and low in fat. This doesn't mean you should avoid fiber altogether. The nutrient works to prevent diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It´s best to consume soluble -- as opposed to insoluble -- fiber. It takes a longer time to leave the digestive system. Good sources of the soluble fiber include oat bran, barley, the flesh of fruit (as opposed to the skin), and navy, pinto and lima beans. Foods that are easy to digest include white bread, white rice, cooked vegetables, soups, plain cereals and rice porridge. Chicken soup is highly recommended. It has natural anti-inflammatory properties, and can also help to balance your gut chemistry, keep you hydrated, and get protein and good minerals into your system. Fish is easy to digest for two reasons: *Fish has a high proportion of muscle tissue protein and a low proportion of fat and connective tissue protein holding the muscle blocks together. *Fish muscle protein is made up from short-length fibres. Stay away from spicy, greasy and sugary foods. Foods that commonly cause stomach sensitivities are coffee, alcohol, processed food, spicy food, tomatoes, wheat, dairy, soy, citrus, peanuts and corn. As a rule, meals should be as simple as possible. For people with a sensitive stomach, it is important to eat small portions of food at regular intervals, rather than indulge in large meals consisting of many food groups at one time. Avoid chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, the artificial sweetener sorbitol (found in sugarless gum and mints), and fructose (the simple sugar found in honey and many fruits). Some fruits that are easy to digest include apricots, banana, cantaloupe, canned fruit cocktail, grapes, honeydew melon, peaches and watermelon. If you want to eat vegetables, go for alfalfa sprouts, beets, green/yellow beans, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, green/red peppers, potatoes (peeled), squash and zucchini. Ask your doctor to test you for lactose intolerance (the inability to properly digest milk products), or celiac sprue disease (a serious disease in which foods with gluten can damage the intestine). These digestive ailments can cause diarrhea, bloating, and cramping. It might also help if you keep a record of the foods you eat, and their effect on you. Since different foods can impact people in different ways, keeping a symptom journal can help you and your physician figure out what works for you.
  • Scrambled eggs and milky puddings like sago,rice and semolina
  • Mashed Potatoes!!!...And baby foods. :P
  • bananas are the best food to digest. i should know i am a science teacher in a high school
  • baby rusks in milk, yum
  • Unfermented ,low fat foods r easy to digest
  • I have struggled in the past with finding foods that give me adequate calories while being easy to digest. One snack I am a huge fan of is bananas rolled in raw cacao (not cocoa). Cacao is the precursor or raw ingredient of chocolate and its quite good for you (feel free to investigate this yourself). While several people here have warned against chocolate (and I agree) its important to note that that the sugar and animal products as well as processed cocoa make chocolate nutritionally inferior to cacao. Give it a try, just roll a banana in raw cacao (from a health food store). Its a great snack and always makes me feel good.
  • Any kind of fruit or vegetable will digest within an hour. They are rich in fiber and other nutrients and will get your bowels moving. A glass of water at least fifteen minutes before eating may help.
  • Basically fat is the most difficult to digest so fried breakfasts or chinese takeaway will take the longest. Food like vegetables, bran and high fibre foods are fairly hard to digest although part of a healthy diet. More simple carbs like oats, white bread, rice and pototoes are more easy to digest. Lean protein sources are actually the easiest to digest. Look at animals who eat plants for example, they have to eat way more to get enough calories from it and they chew their food and cows eg have more than one stomach. Dogs on the other hand who eat meat do not even chew their food they swallow it in lumps because meat is much more easy to break down. However plants are a major part of a healthy diet in humans.
  • "soft" foods.The ones that don't make you grind your guts.
  • bananas... unless you have allergies.
  • plain crackers white bread, rolls "instant" hot cereal white rice, noodles, potatoes angel food cake fruit nectars all juices soft or baked custard canned, peeled fruits and vegetables plain puddings lean beef, fish, skinless chicken or turkey plain milkshakes strained, blenderized broth-based or cream soups smooth ice cream refined cereals carton or frozen yogurt milk, all types ice milk
  • Foods that are soft and liquid. Ice cream, protein shakes, yogurt, soup, applesause, fruit smoothies. Basically anything you would eat after getting your wisdom teeth out! :) Avoid complex carbohydrates, they take a long time to digest, dont know if that crosses paths with your "easy" to digest question.
  • Vegan foods (ie, plant-based) either cooked or raw. They take a simpler metabolic pathway than the digestion of animal proteins that takes great energy, stress on the body, as well as the long term harmful effects and hence causes deadly diseases which we all know so well.
  • From My own experience meats are hard for me to digest. Meat often sits in my stomach for hours, leading me to spit it up just to get rid of it. Also cheeses can be hard for me to digest as well. Milk, however, is VERY easy for me to digest for some reason. I'm blood type A, but not sure if that has anything to do with it.
  • I would think mashed potatoes
  • Natural organic food.

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