• When we were younger me and friends did it all the time, we were never any worse for wear over it.
  • Yes, I think so... If it isn't, I'm some kind of walking medical miracle/anomaly. :) (The warm water inside the hose will probably taste so bad you won't want to drink it, and the cool water that follows will come straight from the house plumbing... there's the good stuff!)
  • Yes... I did all the time when I was's the same water that comes out of your taps.. well it is in my house.... the only reason people would rather not drink out of it is that it's outside all the time, may have algae growing on the inside and any kind of critter might have crawled up it... The water's clean, but the hose might not be x
  • I think so... I certainly did when I was growing up...
  • I am 63 and have been drinking water from a garden hose for many years. is the water safe? well, i am still here with no health problems. Today, i have my doubts on the safety of garden hose water. mainly, because most hoses are made in foreign countries and the materials used, to manufacture the hose, is very questionable. especially China. My hose water days are over. Someone pass the bottle of spring water, please.
  • We always did, but we let it run for awhile first so that any water which had been sitting in the hose got washed out.
  • It all depends, what is the other end hooked up to??
  • Yes....
  • Swan Hose has a good Q&A on hoses and their lead content. In general, I recommend not drinking from a garden hose if you have another alternative. Below is an excerpt from the Swan site that most specifically relates to your question. Question: Will I (my family, dog, etc) get sick (cancer, die, etc) if I drink from this hose, handle this hose, etc? Answer: We do not recommend that you drink from any garden hose. Garden hoses can come into contact with harmful chemicals sometimes used with nozzles and sprayers or chemicals used on lawns. Bacteria can also form on the inside of the hose because it is dark, damp and warm. If you drink from a garden hose, you risk ingesting any of these items, as well as insects.
  • Almost all garden hoses contain lead at 100 times the accepted level that the epa states is safe. In the manufacturing of the brass fittings they now use lead so that the brass is more malleable to form. When we were kids the hoses were manufactured in the USA under strick OSHA manufacturing guidelines that looked out for our safety by investigating all the raw materials that are used to make all of the products that USA sold for consumer use. The way products are manufactured today outside of the USA does not in any way conform to our OSHA standards, thats why these products are so inexpensive. The answer is no, not at all, it has to say "Drinking Safe" on the front label. Assume that all products that are made in China have huge amounts of lead in them. We read the food labels to insure our health, now we have to read all labels. It took many years and many Brilliant mines to insure the quality of life we have, and now slowly but surly it's being lost because America is aligning with 3rd world countries and purchasing all there inferior products.
  • The water should be healthy unless you live in LA or a polluted city. I live in Oregon so our water is pretty clean here...not perfect though. So I'd say it depends on where you live but generally if you drink the water out of your sink, than water out coming from your garden hose won't hurt you. Do a little research in your city at your water treatment plant. It's worth a look if your concerned. Hope that helps.
  • yes, ive done it a thousand times
  • Kids have been doing it since the garden hose was invented.
  • sometimes there are slugs in my hose. I'm sure there are other bugs and things in the hose too.

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