Robin Williams is probably the former, and Dave Chappel the current, but there are lots of funny people out there I like to laugh at! There's an Irishman on youtube who is pretty funny right now too. 1/18/25
Funny, I use to watch Dave Chappel, and Chris Rock years ago, very funny as you could get away with more back then. Yeah, the Irish guy has popped up on my phone recently.
Current is probably a toss-up between Jim Gaffigan and Bill Burr. Always enjoy both of their routines. For former George Carlin immediately came to mind. Mitch Hedberg gets an honorable mention too.
I've watched Bill Burr, not seen Jim Gaffigan. I'm a fan of Carlin.
Ricky Gervais ,Rodney Rude
I really like Ricky Gervais too. He's hilarious. -
Gervais doesn't give a damn anymore more, that's what makes him so good. That Rodney Rude sounds like Kevin Bloody Wilson.
Does Sabrina Carpenter count as my current. The former is probably Kevin Hart.
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