why do you think any thing on this site is ever going to change there will never be any feathers on this site. Whats changed here in the time you have been coming here?
Shadow Of The Mind
Nothing has changed since I’ve been here but it’s never too late for Answerbag to make changes. -
don't hold your breath waiting. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I am aware that the Answerbag admin probably won’t do anything about it although I do think that all Answerbag users could put pressure on the admin team to make changes happen. You never know, someday in the future that there could be changes on the website. That’s if there is much of a future for Answerbag. -
Has anyone of us ever spoken to admin? Forget about it. Its never going to happen. How many users are they here less than 10? -
Shadow Of The Mind
I understand what you’re saying. They are probably like talking to a brick wall because nothing will happen. -
Like I said has any member of the answerbag staff ever spoken to you? Don't hold your breath nothing will ever happen here. -
Shadow Of The Mind
No, they have never spoken to me so I hear you.
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