• Never surely your country deserves better than her? Can she say 5 words with out bursting into a cackle?
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks from American Politics as we meet again.
  • Not in less than 1000 years!
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks from American Politics as we meet again
  • IF (and these are pretty big "ifs") the economy turns around before the next election, and no more major diplomatic or military catastrophes like Afghanistan and Ukraine happen between now and then, then Biden is likely to win the re-election. *** And IF the economy continues to improve during that second term, and is in good condition at the end of that second term, and there are STILL no major fiascos like Afghanistan or Ukraine ongoing...then Harris has a CHANCE of being elected. The odds are against her because of her being a woman and "Black", but if everything goes as well as imaginable for her (as I've described above), then she would actually have a reasonable chance of winning the election. If ANYthing goes contrary to the "ifs" I've listed and her chances are nil.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks from American Politics as we meet again
  • I don't think the poor thing stands a chance. Her run was so unpopular she dropped out of the race early. She only got the job she has now because Joe Biden thought she checked off enough of his identity boxes to revive her aspirations. So, hopefully never. 5/15/23
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, dalcocono
    • dalcocono

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