• My best guess is: a Republican will win...someone who isn't big in the news right now. (Why: the election almost always can be predicted by the economy. If the economy is good, the incumbent's party wins. If the economy is bad, the other party wins. Of course, I'm basing MY prediction on the state of things NOW. The economy MIGHT turn around by fall 2024, and if it's doing well then, then we can expect Biden to win.)
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, for your comment
    • Army Veteran
      Unless the challenging party cheats.
  • I know everybody says Democrats will take a beating in 2022, however that isn't considering the Scotus overturning Roe v Wade. If that happens in the next 5 months all bets are off. Gather your kids and barre the doors. There's a trouble coming through. lol
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, for your comment
    • Kevin1960
      The decision on the legality of abortions will simply go back to the individual states and your directly elected state and local officials. Abortion, is something in which the Federal government should not have any part. Roe is bad law.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Kevin, if the decision should be in the hands of the states, not the feds why not localize it even more and make it in the hands of the person undergoing the abortion? Why not have the woman decide? After all, she's the one who will bear the Burdon. The politicians won't They have no idea what a woman goes through.
  • If Joe's war on the energy sector is allowed to continue, you will be going to the polls starving, and on foot. Ukraine however, will have plenty of weapons.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, for your comment
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      If the Russians take Ukraine all of Eastern Europe will be threatened. Putin is dying he wants to rebuild the USSR. We can't let him do it. Will it be costly, yes but we can do it.

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