• I believe when it comes to medicine one should trust the professionals. I trust Anthony Fauci MD. He's been the head of the Nat. Inst. of Health department of allergy and infectious diseases for over30 years. He knows what he's doing. On the other hand I realize no matter how expert one is there is the chance of human error. I trust but I don't blindly trust.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Many Americans don't trust Fauci in particular. There's a conundrum, though: There is not enough time in one's life to perform primary research into every fact, so trust in secondhand information is necessary for survival. Those who might trust a source that is wrong could also verify that source with another wrong source, and especially with so much competing information and misinformation on the internet, anyone might be reasonably misled to believe just about anything under certain circumstances.
    • mugwort
      One does what one can to check what experts say. I go to to check on the bias of the news source.

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