• He's only 8 years older than you. My husband is 15 years older than me.
  • I don't know where you live but its illegal here and he could be put on the sex offender database. Most states don't have any procedure for getting off of the sex offender database. And if you are sending naked pics you could be put on it too!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are rushing into judgment. The questioner said nothing about having a sexual relationship with an older man. His main concern is if we think that age difference is acceptable. Besides, Milian who is the questioner is 17 years old. In most states, the age of majority is 18 years old. By the time I keep correcting you in these comments and you know it, the questioner could turn 18 years old anytime. Therefore, your answer doesn't mean a thing.
    • Black Mystique
      Yes, that's correct. In most states in the US, you have to be at least 18 years old
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Black Mystique, and less than 18 years old if it only involves puppy love, which is the phase when you think you are in love.
    • Linda Joy
      Just giving information pertinent to the decision being made. Why would someone who claims to be a preacher be promoting fornication which is punishable by being separated from God? And these questions will be seen by others who could see them long after I'm dead. There is no limit to warning young people whose brains are not yet finished growing of the dangers of making even one little mistake they could live to regret the rest of their lives? Wait, isn't this YOUR JOB MS. I'M A PASTOR? Yet you choose instead to jump on my answer and argue with me just because you don't like me and want to fight?! That's some example you're setting there, hypocrite.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy, you have it all twisted. 1. I don't agree with a minor dating and adult. I said that in my answer to speak of adulthood. 2. What two males do in private is their business. So I am not here to judge the questioner, unless Milian categorizes his question under Religion. Then I would give him a religious answer.
  • An 8-year age difference is no biggie when you reach adulthood. Romantic couples with a large age gap often raise eyebrows, yet whatever makes them happy is what matters. You cannot always help who you choose as your partner, even if you're gay as you wrote in your reference.
    • Linda Joy
      He's not an adult!! If you don't choose your partner who does?!! That's one of the dumbest things you've ever said! That's like saying you can't choose what you put in your grocery basket! You might not can choose how you feel about someone but you are the one who decides whether or not to put your hands on someone or whether or not to allow them to put hands on you!! I can't believe you said that! You're smarter than that!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Where did I say the questioner is an adult?????????????? I made it clear that an 8-year age difference is not a big deal when the questioner REACHES ADULTHOOD. *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      How humiliating does it get. lol
  • If I was your parent I'd surely never allow it.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      See what I mean up above how a certain user is always embarrassing herself by misreading answers? But I'm the troll? I didn't think so.
    • Archie Bunker
      So what does that have to do with my answer?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It's rather a bell ring to see who the real troll is, now that you have also made some trolling accusations: Other than that, I agree with your answer. I would not allow it either.
    • Archie Bunker
      I. Don't. Care.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Lol, okay.
  • Milian, please excuse another AB'er who has blindly rushed into judgment.
  • Yes. You will have many boyfriends. Enjoy being young and no responsibilities. Travel, go to school, and enjoy life. Whether your heterosexual or gay. And your parents are normal. I want my kids to have fun in college and part of that is to date a lot. If you were 25 and he was 32, then that would be a different story. 😄
    • Archie Bunker
      Isn't 17 the time when you should be waking up to the responsibilities in life? I agree that having doing "college stuff" is the part of the learning in college, and yes, sowing your oats is part of that. There's plenty of fish in the sea, and I've tried alot of them. But when does responsibility come into play? Why is it different when he's 25 as opposed to 17?

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