• Congratulations !! Keep up the fine work. : )
    • Anoname
      Thank you.
  • Of course.
    • Anoname
    • Myang
  • Yes of course. Haha even I have been on several times and I never was during my six years on the former site.
    • Anoname
      Then you can relate. And congrats to you as well.
  • Congrats! I made it once, too. Feels good. Good job.
    • Anoname
      You'll be there again.
  • Wow! Yay you! You've been there several times since, too! I think it must be way easier now.
    • Anoname
      Yea, but I'm getting busier at work, where I can get to this site, and don't have as much time to maintain the lead by asking questions.
    • Linda Joy
      you did notice that Iceman is at the top of the list because I answered his questions right? Asking questions is not the only way to get there He thought so too until I did it. Now he'll tell you too. In the process I also learned that someone answering your questions has a higher Point score than actually answering the questions cool huh? And I did not get on the leaderboard by asking questions but by answering them. In fact I avoided asking questions because I was told that's how you get on the leaderboard but that's not how I got there I got there by answering questions.
    • Anoname
      You've educated me. Thanks.
    • Linda Joy
      And congratulations on being productive at work. I know that's far more fulfilling than this little game.
    • Anoname
      Bill collectors think so.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah it's always good to be able to pay the bills.

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