• my nan and grandad lived in the same street as me and i was there everyday. the one thing i loved looking at was their photo albums. i would ask them loads of question about the photos and they would tell me stories about the old days :0)
  • My grandparents lived on a farm. I enjoyed exploring all the old buildings they had on their property. My cousins and I used to play in them with my grandmas cats. We also ate her green apples until we were sick to our stomachs.
  • My grandmother lived in a retirement home, so when I visited I always wanted to see the deer that hung around by the back of the building or play pool.
  • I've always been a bookworm so I loved going through some of the magazines and books that both my grandmothers kept. They always complained on how I never put back the books or mags in their proper place afterwards. : )
  • I loved exploring the unused rooms, including the attics. I loved looking at and touching the old furniture and wondering who used it (my aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents?), at what point in their lives... what their lives were like when they were younger and on top of the world. How they experienced life and the world and people... I could do that for hours and hours.
  • My grandma used to let me help make meat balls. That's all I wanted to do. It was awesome.
  • My nan had three sets of Russian Dolls that would keep me amused for hours.
  • I loved playing my grandpas piano...the last time i saw him before he died he sat me down and played me a song!
  • My great grandmother lived on a farn, they had about 80 cows. When we went there I remember stealing chocolate milk from the dairy and going in the hayloft in the barn to drink it. We also made slides with the hay. I was younger when she came to our house, I used to help her make choco0late chip cookies. That was the best. I would be waiting and looking up the road for the car.
  • My grandparents attic. I loved to look at the old National Grographics and American Rifleman mags my grandad had, and they had a 1931 copy of Ripley's Believe it or Not, which I wore the bindings off of.
  • My grandma had a laundry shoot that went from her bathroom upstairs to her laundry room downstairs. My cousins and I would stand at each end and talk to each other, and when own parents weren't paying attention we could tie jumpropes to each other and pull each other up and down it.
  • I was spending a lot of time in the attics, exploring old things. Of course, some particular drawers or cupboards stayed close, but there were enough interesting things left, for instance old toys and books and magazines.
  • Nope cause, 3 of my grandparents past away before I was born and the only one that was still alive we visited maybe once or twice a year for maybe until I was 10 and that is about it.
  • I loved watching my Grandma cooking. She cooked from morning to night and did it with love -- that was her passion. I was in awe since my Mom worked full time and didn't have time to cook. I learned a lot from my Grandma.

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