• Business research involves finding past and current statistics about all aspects of a business to plan the future growth of a business. It includes research of the market, sales, production, finances, potential customers, customers’ preferences and marketing procedures. Business research is a wide concept and includes the study of not only a particular business but also various business sectors. A comprehensive business research incorporates different types of research such as: Demand and supply research to know the trends of demand and supply for a product in the market. Brand equity research to know the value that a brand has created in the market. Advertisement tracking to determine the effectiveness of the advertisements of a business. Brand positioning research to determine where a brand stands among other brands. Environmental research, price and demand elasticity research, etc. to help make financial decisions for future growth. Sources for business research: There is a wide variety of sources available for business research. These sources can be formal and informal. Sources for formal research includes internet, business magazines, journals, private sector consultants, stakeholders and media. Among these, you can collect maximum information online through search engines. You can look for information by companies’ names, locations, brand names, turnover, names of key personnel, etc. Informal business research involves one to one interaction with consumers in the market, the employees of the business, feedback from provincial governments, business managers, directors of the business, trade creditors and any other person directly or indirectly involved in the business.

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