• You hit the nail on the head. I'm surprised you didn't get any points for that answer till I gave you some. That is such a succinct question if I ever seen one. This should go down in the golden list of truisms. Even a skank can pull a good looking man (personal experience)(blushes) but I'll be damned if a hot woman would even blink at the Average Joe nursing his beer in the corner, while he's eyeing the prospects as they enter the bar.
  • A little envious but not jealous. Biologically, women have evolved to be selective in their mating preferences, so they don't waste 9 months bearing a weak or deformed child that won't survive and procreate. Mate selection supports the survival of DNA. When a woman mates with a man who is weak (physically or mentally), the probability of bearing a healthy child is reduced. Human DNA that has survived over the millennia is the result of selective women and healthy men.
  • Yeah it's amazing even a "FAT" woman can walk into a bar and get laid...what is the world coming to...
  • Actually, men CAN get sex whenever they want. However, they tend to be more picky. Ask yourself this: How can a woman get sex more free? If a woman needs a man for sex, voila! The man got sex for free too! The truth is, men can have sex free also.

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