• The modern attitude to marriage? Where it seems until death us do part ought to be dispensed with.
  • It's an excuse for people in the Islamic faith to have sex...they get married for a few days/weeks so they can have their fun. It's basically like prostitution (sometimes they have to make arrangements with a family by bribing them), but they have justified it to themselves to make it ok. Yet, they condemn other people who have sex outside of marriage and will even kill them for it. At least, that's my understanding of it. I could be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if I read something that was inaccurate in the news and assumed it was true. haha
  • A temporary wife is one that has agreed to a contract for a temporary marriage. Temporary marriages were common practice in Arabia prior Islam. The Prophet Muhammad disproved of such marriages. However, as some sects of Islam do not accept the ahadeeth as a source of Islamic law, they continue the practice.
  • "NikāhÌ£u’l-Mut‘ah, Nikah el Mut'a (Arabic: نكاح المتعة, also Nikah Mut‘ah literally, marriage for pleasure), or sigheh, is a fixed-time marriage which, according to the Usuli Shia schools of Shari‘a (Islamic law), is a marriage with a preset duration, after which the marriage is automatically dissolved. It is the second form of Islamic marriage, described in the Qur'an (4:24). However, it is regarded as haram (prohibited) by Sunnis. This is a highly controversial fiqh topic; Sunnis and Shi‘a hold diametrically opposed views on its permissibility. For the Sunni version of Mut'ah, see Nikah Misyar." Source and further information: Sunni version of Mut'ah, Nikah Misyar: Further information:
  • Is it one that disappears when you reboot?
  • I'm a temporary wife and I love it because the man I'm with I've been with him for over a year and we met when I was sixteen. I didn't find out that he was married until we had been together for a week. My understanding of a temporary wife is that she the with her man as long as he lives in that country or state then when he lives to go back to his country that his wife in that country is his permant wife. For a temporary wife to be legally married to her guy she has to get his wife's permission to marry the girl he wants or get a divorce. But I'm happy with that even though she doesn't like me a whole lot. So, pretty much if he decides to go back to Bangladesh then I won't be his "wife" just a girl that he knows. But right now he is trying to legally marry me. YAY!
  • best thing I did in my life so I saved myself from falling a sin
  • It's like a leased prostitute. One works out the terms with her mahram ( male relative acting as an agent or "pimp"} for the length of time and her dowry ( fee ) and BANG! One has a live-in housekeeper/sextoy with the blessings of Allah. . The costs are more reasonable. The risk of disease is lower. The only problem is the deal is that it is all-the-money-up-front-cash-on-the-nail. .
  • A prostitute.

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