• It is a common mis-apprehension or even mis-representation of the Biblical creationist position that we reject science. What we reject is non-empirical speculation masquerading as science. The Biblical account has no problem with the existence of dinosaurs. We do not discount the fossils. We do question the time scale and scenario proposed for them. The fossils exist in the present, are dug up in the present, and are studied in the present. What one believes about how they got there and when will be drawn according to his/her assumptions about what has gone on in the unobservable, unrepeatable (that is, non-empirical) past. In fact, the recent discovery of soft tissue in a fossilized bone is more consistent with an age of a few thousand years, than with tens or hundreds of millions of years. The explanation that "apparently soft tissue can survive much longer than we ever imagined" is inconsistent with the scientific evidence regarding its durability. The natural or plain understanding of the Biblical account of creation would have dinosaurs created with the other land and sea animals. They then would have co-existed with humans, and would have been preserved on the ark by Noah--no need to take full grown adults, juveniles would suffice. The climatic and environmental changes following the flood would have made survival difficult for them and some other animals, so that they became increasingly rare, finally extinct. I think we can look to the descriptions of dragons in ancient legends for evidence that men encountered dinosaurs in the flesh before they encountered them as fossils. That the Bible doesn't mention them specifically simply indicates that they weren't a factor in the lives of the people of that time and place. It doesn't mention kangaroos, either--they weren't relevant. It is possible the Behemoth and Leviathan mentioned in the book of Job--which seems to be from a time a few hundred years following the flood--are describing a land and a sea creature we would think of as dinosaurs. The descriptions do not match well with any living creatures of our day. For lots more on this subject, see the FAQ page on dinosaurs at Answers in Genesis: BaaBaaBlackSheep (without implying that he means to be agreeing with or supporting me) makes an interesting and useful point. Facts, and to an only slightly lesser extent experimental or empirical scientific theories, do not "speak for themselves". They must be interpreted in some larger framework. Although a bit outside the scope of this question, that's where the evolution-creation debate sticks. Naturalistic evolution, Biblical young-earth creationism, and everything in between, are, in my mind, more properly paradigms than theories. That is, they supply a framework of philosophy and untestable assumptions which are taken on faith, by which the empirical science can be interpreted and organized.
  • I have heard of people who do not believe in dinosaurs, but in all my interactions with church people of different denominations I do not know that I have ever met one. The vast majority of Christians, "born again" and otherwise believe that dinosaurs lived and thier fossils are real.
  • I don't. It all depends on what you think of when you hear the word "dinosaur". There were things in the Bible that have been called dinosaurs by scholars, but what if it was just another animal like we have today, that became extinct? If alligators became extinct today, would we call them dinosaurs? No. I think that God simply put the fossils where they are now, but for what reason I am unsure. I don't see why God would have had the dinosaurs(the ACTUAL dinosaurs) roam the earth, and die, without interacting greatly with man. It would have been pointless, when he could have just made remnants of them, which is all man would ever see.
  • Yes... Because of the scientific finds...
  • It has been proven that the "dinosaurs" of the many different time periods existed long before humans walked this earth. And to believe they co-existed is almost on the ridiculous. Science has proven it and the writings of man has nothing to back the facts. Always remember the one who wins always writes the history. I choose facts over mans dated writings
  • How could I disbelieve it when its skeleton is at the museum?
  • I've heard that some believe that God put the bones there to test their faith. But wouldn't that make God a liar?
  • I suppose some do, but they probably would whether religious or not. Most that I know don't, and one that I know is a Phd. scientist and professor of Biology.
  • No, but they do seem to turn profoundly deaf when a new fossil is unearthed.
  • Many deny their existence. Others are trying to squeeze scientific evidence into the Bible and seem to be getting away with it amongst the more gullible members of the population. I believe it is called intelligent design or another version is creationism. If these people put as much effort into improving the world as they do concocting useless ideas, the world would be a much better place to live in, in my opinion.
  • No, not all of them do. There are some who say they didn't exist, but there are quite a few who say they did exist.
  • Unless religion is exposed for what it is, we are all doomed. Just because something feels good doesn't make it true or even good for you. Take thumb sucking for example, which is really all that religion is-people coming together to reinforce the delusion and engage in group thumb sucking. Grow the fuck up already!
  • I don't know but I hear that they have two belly buttons, is that true?
  • Yes. Some believed they died out because they were too big to fit on Noah's Ark.
  • I dont see why I wouldnt.The fossils prove that. :)
  • YES. I don't know anyone who denies the existance of dinosaurs.
  • Sure, why not? Even a "young earth" Christian (who believes the earth to be not more than 5000 or so years old) will generally believe that dinosaurs existed. Not, of course, in the time frame asserted currently by the current establishment... but carbon dating is pretty iffy at best, and dinosaurs are well outside accurate parameters, particularly given outside influence from, say, a meteor as some theorize killed them off.
  • yes, it all makes sense see, they were buried in the flood and the remains are only like 4 or 5 thousand years old. It all makes sense because carbon dating is a hoax and the 'evolutionists' just want poor jesus to suffer because they are mean spirited infants who just don't want to submit to the holy word of the only orthodox god ever.
  • Yes of course. Time is different in God's eyes.
  • yes...God made dinosaurs Job.:)justme
  • I do believe dinosaurs existed! There is evidence... and of course what was said in Job could also be true we just have not found the evidence yet. We do not know all there is to know, scientific or religious... but I do believe science should compliment what God did. During creation God only put "days" for us, He is outside of time. So was it really a "day" or just an expression? I don't know, many thousands of decades could have passed from the time God created light. Who knows and the earth was present already, it says it was in without form, but it was there. Some speculate that this is when the dinosaurs lived as a pre-Adamic race, or perhaps they were where demons came from. There are some things God said and those I take at their word, but there are other things we will not know, we could not even comprehend with our tiny minds and I am for one not ready to say that I know for sure whene there is room for specualtion... maybe that is where science is to come in and fill in the gaps... true science that is... some theories are accepted but not proven... such as evolution or the big bang theory. We can only prove without a doubt a little amount, the rest is up to speculation. I mean, who is to say when God created the Heavens He didn't use a big bang? That is my speculation.
  • The conflict you see is,"do fossil remains conflict with the 7 days of creation concept of Genesis" Yes they do. However God is not a liar.He didn't just make these bones to confuse mankind. So the explanation is outside most Christian teaching. Here is my take:- Genesis starts "In A beginning" NOT "In THE beginning" there was something before this age. But what? The Bible doesn't say! So it is not important to our salvation. Interesting none the less!
  • Speaking as a Christian, yes I do believe that dinosaurs existed.
  • I don't know but I do. I've seen the physical evidence.

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