• In a word: no. If the thermostat is faulty then the engine would warm up and eventually overheat. The thermostat, basically, doesn't let any coolant flow until the engine reaches a certain temperature. So, that's not your problem. Usually the problem is that the engine is warming up too fast. I've never heard of an engine not warming up. Try driving it for a while. What exactly do you mean by 'isn't warming up like it was recently'? Not as fast? Faster? More info please.
  • Yes, it could be your thermostat. Your thermostat is stuck open. With this condition, the engine coolant will flow all of the time, engine never warms up to the correct temperature. A real problem if this occurs in the winter, in a northern part of the country because your heater core will not warm up. If the thermostat was stuck closed, then yes the engine would overheat.

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