• Who could hate someone that led a life of loving self sacrifice?
  • Yes, Because he never doubted me or gave up on me, he will love me forever even if I don't love him (but I do)
  • I don't believe in a literal "jesus", but I like what "he" represents.
  • Allora Lino, sei italiano o no? ho chiesto due volte! Si, amo Gesu' molto. Sono un aderente cristiano. In English, yes, I love Jesus, because He loved me first and died on the cross for me.
  • Yes, because He died on a cross for my sins. He loved me before I was a twinkle in my parents eyes. I am striving to be as Christ-like as possible, but tis hard on this here earth. But I still try everyday!! Tis the least I can do considering His sacrifice for me. In His service, <:))))<>< "Knowing the Bible is one thing. Knowing the Author is another!" ~Anonymous~ Edit: lino-yes, as stated in my answer-I am trying to be as Christ-like as possible!! I am human and so I still sin often, not as often as before I accepted Jesus as my Savior, but I am not perfect. I will be one day, but not today.
  • I do, because of his unconditional love for me, God Manufested himself in a human body so that he can communicate with us humans and be closer to us than Satan was in the old testament. How many parents give up on their children if thy are rebelious. God has the patients that only he can have and he just pickes us up and calms us down when we need help regardless of our attitude towards him.
  • No-- never met him.
  • Yes, I love the Lord Jesus Christ because He loved me when I deserved to die and go to hell and He died for me on the cross of Calvary in my place and shed His perfect, sinless blood for me to wash away my sins. I love Him because He first loved me and He went to hell and back for me. I love Him because He never gave up on me and He has been a Father to me. He is my God, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Father, my Lord, and my Master. I can't help but love Him. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Yes, because I love everybody. And particularly jewish people.
  • Why would anyone hate Jesus. Muslims love all God’s Prophets from the first teacher of mankind Adam to the last one Mohammed. Islam is ALL INCLUSIVE it does not discriminate against any Prophet/Messengers. There is none that it refuses to recognize. Jesus is spoken of highly in the Holy Qur’an (HQ) and is mentioned by name five times more than Mohammed. The HQ declares that a Muslim is required to make no distinction between any of God’s Messengers. This is in HQ 2:285 which according to Mr Pickthall’s translation, from the original text of the HQ, says “The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers We MAKE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANY OF HIS MESSENGERS and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto Thee is the journeying.” Furthermore, Muslims do MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE the things that Jesus himself did, would recognize or identify with. Like Jesus, Muslims are very strict in their monotheism, they use “peace be with you” as a greeting, they do not eat the pig, they circumcise their sons, they wash before prayers, take their shoes off before entering places of prayers, prostrate in their prayers, they fast regularly, can be seen wearing long robes and headdress, their women cover themselves fully.
  • Only God can tell you how many trees are in an apple seed. He's cool that way!!! :) I love Jesus because he loves us unconditionally. Thank Goodness, because some of us need all the help we can get. lol
  • I dont. in the context that the bible, and christians present him. as a fellow human I like him, but not as a supposed divine
  • I do. Because, hey, I wouldnt be here without him Really. There would be no Roselynn randomly answering everyones question had he not saved me. Thats.. why I love him. ~+~
  • Yes - I love everyone... :)
  • Yes, because He loved me first!
  • Sure, he's a swell guy and he's there with emotional support for all that seek solace in him. What's not to like about him. I love wearing sandals, fish and bread but not so much with the wine though.
  • of course i do. you have to be blind to be able miss the awsome creations and see the life that our creator has given. he is the al mighty and that is why i love him.
  • Yup yup yup! He knows why.
  • I love both of my cats who were put to sleep last year, but I find it hard to love someone who died that long time ago...
  • not a christian, but in my own way yes i do
  • Isn't necrophilia illegal?
  • Yes, because God is good.
  • Sorry, never met the guy.
  • I know he loves me, but I just like him as a friend.
  • Yes - because he's everything to me. He's the reason why I'm alive today!!! He loves me and he has my best interest at heart. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He loves us more than we love ourselves.
  • Whole Heartedly! how could you not!
  • I love him, and he is gracious enough to love me. Praise be.

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