• there is may, june , April Aug, so that is four that i can come up with off the top of my head.
  • April, May, June and I went to school with a girl named September.
  • I consider here only the English months names, which are similar in origin with the month names in many European languages (Latin based): There are just two (or maybe three) people's names. There are three (or maybe four) god's names. From September onwards, there are just numbers. Gods: - January: originally referred to the “Month of Janus.” Janus was a two-faced god - March: refers to Mars, the Roman god of war - May: is named for the goddess Maia People: July: was named after Julius Caesar, the first emperor of Rome August: was named for Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar’s nephew and heir. Not certain: June: was named for Junius, named for the famous Roman family of Junius. Another theory is that is named for Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. Source: Look also at this AB answer: Another issue is if you could name some people like months, and I think that everything could be possible... (but for instance April is usual)
  • I knew a woman named January and a guy named July. And I knew a girl in school named March. I have a friend named April. May is a name and August would be good for a guy. June is a old-timey name. SO that's half the calendar.
  • You didn't specify you wanted last or first names. The way things are now, frist names are wide open for anything, but as last names go, all I know (or have found) are: March (Hal March 50's TV Game Show Host), January (Lois January, film actress of the 1920s and 30's who played a small part in "The Wizard of Oz') and May (Charles "Chuck" May, a local insurance agent in Mississippi).
  • March, April, May, June, July there's some.
  • nowadays almost anything goes! but i'd say the only real names are april, may and june.
  • Every last one of them, and I met two little girls named "Morning" and "January" yesterday morning.
  • Then there is JASON which is the initials for July August Septemper October November
  • the ones I know are: January April May June Julie/Jules (for July) August/Augustus/Augustine But I wouldn't be surprised if there was somebody named february or december :)
  • April, May and June.
  • July - Julius Caesar August - Augustus Caesar
  • Pretty much all of them except for October, November, and December. The last three don't roll off the tongue well.

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