• It's hard to pinpoint why anything is "fashionable" at a given time. Someone (probably of some social status) started it somewhere and others copied him to look "cool" - the same as what happens today. The men likely wanted to show off their legs and even the size of their genitalia. Since cold weather and horseback riding make wearing shorts (not to mention speedos) difficult, the only other option was to wear long, but tight pants.
  • To prevent mice from climbing up their legs? This isn't a 'flip' answer...those were rodent (and bug) besieged times! Flowing garmets would have been splattered with muck, excrement, mud and heaven knows what.
  • Tights accentuated the leg physique, which were thought to be a hallmark of masculinity at the time.
  • For the same reason some "men" today think wearing their pants at their knees and showing their underwear is "fashionable." Who knows what causes trends.

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