• The United States actually got involved early in the war by sending supplies to the Allies, despite its declaration of neutrallity. We were regularly sending supplies to the English. German U-boats were regularly sinking American freight ships in the Atlantic Ocean. This policy was abandoned for a while, until the Kaiser authorized it again in 1917. After the sinking of more American ships, and the loss of American lives, Woodrow Wilson asks, and recieve permission for a decleration of War against the Central Power countries. We became involved in a military aspect after that.
  • Also involved in the American desicion to fight the Central Powers was the Zimmerman telegram, an intercepted message from Germany to Mexico, stating that if Mexico would join with the Central Powers and attack America, they would have the territories taken from them in the Mexican-American War returned.
  • Another smaller less popular answer can be the change in the opinion of the American public. Before the public didn't have a large majority for the war, but as things played out, the pressure from the public helped Wilson's decision.
  • All previous answers are correct, but if you were a true historian you would realize that Kaiser William II was inevitably the cause for WWI. The Franco-Prussian war ended in 1871 with the unification of Germany. This unification gained Germany much power and in 1890 when Kaiser William II took control and Bismarck was retired. William II had always been war crazed and it was then that the anxieties of war began to b seen.
  • After declaring neutrality between the Allied and Central Powers, the United States felt the need to come into the war because the German U-boats were continuously sinking Allie ships. Overall, the German U-boats sank 600,000 tons of the Allie ships. On April 6, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson got permission from Congress to declare war on the Central Powers and did just that. However, the United States did try to build up a military but had to start drafting American citizens as the war was unpopular. But the Allies win the war on November 11, 1918 when the Germans surrender because they are the only ones from the Central Powers left fighting and they realize that they don’t stand a chance.
  • american trade ships were shot down by german forces so they joinedthe war
  • Most people will tell you that the Lusitania and Zimmerman Telegram were the causes. Both of those played a part, but a major reason is because the United States had lent 2.2 billion dollars to the Allies. Compare the war to a horse race with America as a spectator. America bets 2.2 billion dollars on horse #2 (the Allies) who do they want to win? Ultimately, the US realized that they weren't getting their money back unless they jumped in and made their horse win. Also, the war had destroyed many factories in Europe. War is a great economic stimulus because everyone has a job whether it is making uniforms, tanks, etc. Everyone is working. If America enters the war, then there economy improves and they become the leading industrial nation because the European nations have very few remaining factories.

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