• I'm an EMT with a year of experience working in a pharma company. I have never heard of a medication stamped like that. Usually a number is a lot number and it is accompanied by an expiration date. Research tells me that you might be talking about Baclofen:
  • Your pill is 400 mg guaifenesin, an expectorant. GUAIFENESIN (Humibid®, Mucinex™, Robitussin®, and others) helps treat coughs caused by colds or the flu. It loosens phlegm or mucus in the lungs. It is not intended to treat chronic cough caused by smoking, asthma, emphysema, heart failure, or problems in which there is a large amount of phlegm.
  • It's a vitamin - you should eat it.
  • Romaine lettuce + (no drs from me)
  • Romaine lettuce i think!

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