• I think that there are definitely some systems of government that are wrong (e.g. when it involves suppressing the people). But I don't think there is any one right system. The most important thing is for the government to have the right values.
  • The only right government is the Kingdom of God. But, in this world as it is at present, no human government can bring it about. All systems are flawed. There are definitely systems of goverment that are better than others and some that are much worse.
  • i think government is only interested in maintaining its own power. that in itself corrupts it right from the begining. i am all for small cooperative communities working together through communication and respect to solve problems and co-exist.
  • I don't think you'll every get a system of government is completely 'right' or 'wrong'. There are many systems of government that seem morally correct but just don't function in practice and there are others that aren't really morally sound but seem to function more than others (or perhaps only to those at the top). I think choice of governmental system really all depends on the kind of society one lives in and how this affects people's attitudes towards the authority. Still, I don't think we'll ever find a 'perfect' form of government. It seems like even to appear successful to the majority, one group always has to be screwed for it to work higher up.
  • I think self government is the best government, but only if everyone participates. The second one person doesn't govern himself, it's blown and we start having rules. You see where that gets us!

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