• yes i am a nuskin distributor. if you are seriously interested in becoming a nuskin distributor email me at i will provide you with all the info. thanks.
  • oh yes!!! I am too!! Want a free demo :) hee-hee-hee I'm in NY Just came back from their convention and I gotta tell ya they just keep impressing me with their product line and the processes they go through to bring innovative things to the table... the sell speaks for itself with much of their line.... Monica
  • Nuskin works the same way as Amway. In essence some of the products are good but they are all overpriced to cover ineffective distribution methods and commissions. Some people can make a bit of money, most make practically nothing. The reason for this is that there is little advantage to the end client to buy from a distributor as opposed to from the mall (where the equivalent product costs less). Also, the distributor always tries to recruit the customer as part of their downline. A recipe for disaster disguised with flashy brochures and manipulative payment plans. "Well Dodgy".

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