• Dump him. We Men aren't worth a damn until we hit 40.
  • Other than show him through your actions that he has no reason to be jealous? Nothing.
  • Dump him. That will really make him flip out. Remember, jealousy is like talking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
  • i read in a chinese fortune cookie once, jealousy isn't love it's self love, made sense at the time, still does.
  • Well, part of the reason he's jealous is probably that he thinks you might be too good for which case, you just might be. If you haven't been able to convince him yet, chances are, you probably never will.
  • Why would you wanna help him be jealous?
  • You shouldn't have to change yourself to make your boyfriend feel better about his insecurities. He should like you for you, not who he wants you to be. Just continue being yourself. If you don't give him reasons to be jealous, then there might be a trust issue.
  • let him know that you love him and that you would never cheat on him or leave him..unless you would then thats another story.
  • Well I have the same problem, I find that he gets jealous when I talk to other guys. I asked him why he does and he told me i cant tell you...I said why not and he flipped out on I LOVE YOU, i hear what the other guys say about you and i know what they think. I hate it when they talk about your body, and you dont know. I hate when you talk to them and i know what they are im gunna get lucky...I felt really bad and i told him if you feel things like that I want to know...but weere all good now...try talking or analize what your doing
  • look he is never never NEVER going to do your self a favor and blow him of NOW!! because he is and will continue to make your life hell....jealousy and people who suffer from it are a pox on the human race and serves no purpose at all except to make the accused persons life a living hell
  • The best way you can help him is to dump him and now not tomorrow next week next month or next year. This guy is a loser if he gets jealous for no reason.I wasted 4 years of my life with a woman alot like your b/f I am much happier for having left her than I evewr have been. If I didn't leave her I would be in an insane asylum by now.
  • You can't. He is just an insecure person. That is something he has to work on.
  • Are you doing anything to make him jealous???
  • Unless you are cheating or purposely flirting with people there is not much you can do about it. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. What would trigger that kind of jealousy for you besides the other reasons stated above? Maybe they think that you are with them just until you find somebody "better." If there is no way that you can handle this then my advice is to leave the relationship as quickly as possible. On the other hand if you value your relationship and want to try to make it work here is my suggestion: Moderately boost their self esteem (without resulting in full-blown worship). Tell them how good they look BEFORE they get all dressed up. It will help them realize that they dont have to try so hard and let them relax a little. Another thing, dont even hint at the idea of another person being appealling to you as this will definately be a trigger and make them think you are not happy with them. If none of this works you may just have to accept them for who they are and deal with the stress that it brings. Otherwise I can only recommend that you call it quits.
  • Im in a similar relationship...and as much as its easy for others to say "leave him" need to understand that every person has thier insecurities...some are just triggered more easily than others. I think you really need to examine your behaviour, and see what you do that might trigger his behaviour. Sometimes,you might need to make an effort to not say or do certain things that might seem normal to you..I tihnk its okay as long as you dont completely change yourself. I mena, part of a relationship is compromise, and adapting to the other person. Also, whenever I get mad at my boyfriend for being jealous, I look at the things he does for me, and how he goes out of his way to make sure Im secure. ..and chances are your boyfriend does the same ...So you owe it to him to make him feel good and healthy. However, please make sure that he isnt walking all over oyu .But I dont see anything wrong with a little compromise here and there .Maybe you could invite him out with you and he can see that your a little angel and wont do anything to hurt him ...its all about baby steps ...dont expect him to change overnight, but ofcourse these things will change if you put in the time .And you are probably thinking "i shouldnt have to do all of this" and you are right...But who really cares? Its about being happy ...not being right. As long as you are happy , does it really matter how you got there? This is just my opinion....Only you can judge what your threshold is.
  • so yeah, im a guy that gets jeslous. for me it's a problem with myself. i think about everything, before every situation and try and figure out how i should react, but somtimes when i see my girlfriend laughing and haveing a good time with another guy it hurts my feelings. it almost feels like, "wait why cant i make her happy". somtimes when i get in a pissy mood its because of that, and it puts me in that mood, that she'd be happier with him than me. it sucks having to deal with it everyday, but i cant help that my girlfriend is 5 million times more attractive than me, and i have to worry she's going to find someone and im going to be left with no one... i love her to death, but i feel like she never gives me any attention and the only way for me to feel like she wants to b around me is to start up a random/stupid conversation. if i didnt, she'd sit there in silence. idk if i should move on, she can be happy...its probally the right thing to do. then she can be happy and not tied down by my insecureness... :( a month ago from tommorow we got in a huge arguement. then another one a week after that. a piece of advice to women... if you ask us to change, just leave us first. by that i mean she asked me to change everything i do. dont kiss her. dont hold her hand. dont call her. and dont "try so hard". the reason why i feel i have to try so hard is because THERE IS NOTHING i can do to make her happy. NOTHING. now i have a question for everyone that has made a post so far... why r women so dang complex. us men just want to have someone to care for and love. THATS IT.
  • I love my jealous boyfriend. Sometimes his jealousy is utterly rediculous and uncalled for and causes us to fight. When i realized earlier on that he was this type of person, i had to decide whether or not I wanted to deal with this type of behavior forever or move on. Since i've decided to stay with him, I've had to discontinue all friendships with the opposite sex and even avoid talking to old friends/aquaintances on myspace/facebook etc. This may soudn rediculous to some people but my point is that you cannot change these people; you either move on or adjust. It's not easy trying to appease him but its a sacrifice I've had to make for the sake of our relationship. If you wouldnt want to make such changes in your life then i would suggest moving on. Hope this helped.

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