• Not really on a large level, and this is one of the great failings of our penal system in the U.S. We put prisoners out on the street with nothing except the address and phone number of a parole or probation officer and that's it. It is in large part why we have such a high repeat offender rate in this country. There are some local programs in larger metro areas that are designed to help those released from prison to find jobs and shelter, but not nearly enough.
  • Yup, jails and penitentiaries!
  • Goodwill. Goodwill industries has great programs for for convicted felons that range from training, jobs and other help. They have been helping felons and ex-offenders for many years dating back to 1902. They are very, very good at what they do and is one of the best programs that you can be in.Oct 3, 2017 › programs-for-... Oct 3, 2017 · "Goodwill industries has great programs for convicted felons that range from training, jobs and other help. They have been helping felons and ex-offenders for many years dating back to 1902. They are very, very good at what they do and is one of the best programs that you can be in.,

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