• You get to know him by not asking so many questions and observe him to find out about him. How he handles things, likes, dislikes, temper, is he caring... I could be here all day!!! Sometimes you have to sit back and learn things from observation.. Too many questions can get annoying. Just talk about "things" in general.
  • I have been married to my husband for almost 34 years and I still don't know him completely. There are still things I learn and discover about him. But most of the learning comes naturally, by observing him day to day or spending time doing things together, especially things you both like to do. Questions are useful at the beginning of a relationship just so you can find a starting point. Have you talked about life goals - short term and long term? Do you know what motivates them? Do you know why they do or say certain things?
  • dude.i learn from asking questions. i ask questions randomly, picking up ques from the things around me. i find out mad stuff. i ask things like "whats you want to be when you were a little kid?" "if you heard someone mention the word lasange, would you have a craving for it later?" "how come you never dye your hair green?" just the most random things.but they are answers that i'm interested in learning.don't ask him stuff that you don't really care about the answers too. like i dont say "how are you" cuz i don't really care how they are...but i do care if they're mad at i will ask "are you mad at me?" and i do care what they did today, so i will ask "what did you do all day?".but i don't care what they are planning to do, so i don't ask "whats up?" basically, make sure your questions can spark a conversation.don't make them "yes or no" unless you have a gift of gab and you know how to chitchat with the quietest of wallflowers.

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