• Because they can't find it in themselves to love.
  • Probably fear is the basis of most hate, fear that the "other" is a danger to them, going to take something from them, etc. Occasionally disgust or revulsion - there are a few things that deserve hate: Cruelty, for instance. The hatred is not directed at the person who is cruel (because virtually everyone has some good in him), but the cruelty itself.
  • Hate is learned behavior based on envy, jealousy and fear.
  • when things seem to be radically different from their own viewpints and it almost threatens them people start hating .
  • Hate usually forms when trust is seriously betrayed, it could be seen perhaps as a natural defence against being tricked twice - it just misfires and causes problems more often than not : (
  • People hate because something probably happened in their past. Hate could also be developed when there is a break-up in a platonic relationship or a non-platonic relationship. Hate could be developed in many ways.
  • b/c there pricks
  • People are imperfect human beings with emotions. Hate is an emotion.

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