• I would think not.
  • I notice you put this question in crazy thoughts. It is a crazy thought to even think about hitch hiking. Goodness girl, don't do it anything could happen to you.
  • I notice you put this question in crazy thoughts. It is a crazy thought to even think about hitch hiking. Goodness girl, don't do it anything could happen to you.
  • I don't think so, at least not in this day in age. There is to many rape, drug, kidnapping, and murder cases going on. You don't know who your riding with. My mom and her friend use to hitchhike when they were about 19yrs. old, and ran into a few bad people. My mother has been saved from death at least 3 times. God definetly had a plan for her life. I would say reconsider doing this.
  • Only if you look like Rutger Hauer or Sean Bean
  • You shouldn't have to ask.
  • Not in this day and age.
  • I have hitch-hiked thousands of miles before 1963. Today I would not dare to hitch-hike it is too dangerous. As a pilot I have hitch-hiked by air once.
  • Even though I am aware that there are some bad people out there, I have deep faith in the goodness of humanity (even in today's world). Its wise to know thyself to attract what you need when you need it, give what you can when you have it. the law of nature. The law of life.
    • Linda Joy
      You have a precious heart! Thank you for sharing! You help me see hope for humanity!
  • Normally nobody hitch hikes who can afford or who has access to another (safer) mode of transportation. When I was a kid I was broke and if I wanted to go anywhere I had the choice of hitch hiking or staying home. I hitch hiked. I now have a vehicle and the resources to drive myself so I do not hitch hike.
  • It is never wise to hitchhike. My mother knew a woman who hitched a ride with a man she didn't know. He murdered her. Her mother never got over it.
    • Linda Joy
      I'm sorry that happened to her! That's the part most people don't get. What it does to those that have to continue! My sister lost her son (in a much different way) and it pushed her over the edge. Your life is never the same!
  • No, but if you're out of gas and it's 5 miles to the exit are you and your empty gas can gonna refuse a ride? Haha. I hitched to work and back 6 mi each way for about a month when I was between cars. It was about 20-25 years ago now. I remember catching a ride with a family and the woman said there was no way she'd be out in the heat hitchhiking! Her butt would be home on the couch! I prayed she'd never have to! But I had a job and I was going to get there one way or another! I had a home to pay for and no one else was going to pay for it! Nor did I expect anyone else to do so.
  • i dont think so unless an emergency came up

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