• 1. One of the first noticeable signs is called light spotting. This light spotting will usually occur before the menstrual period is supposed to begin. The blood will be a pinkish, or brownish color. 2. An increase in the frequency of urination is another early sign 3 The most commonly looked for early sign of pregnancy is missing a menstrual period. 4 Cramping can also be a sign of early pregnancy. 5 Nausea, or morning sickness as it is more commonly known, is another common sign. Don't let the name fool you, the nausea can strike at any time 6 A feeling of tenderness in the breasts and nipples as a result of increased hormone levels. Another early sign could be a darkening of the areolas, usually noticed in the shower, or in a bathroom mirror 7 A very common experience for pregnant women is constipation. The change in hormone levels also affects the frequency, and ease of going to the bathroom. 7
  • Feeling tired and sleepy.
  • Morning sickness. You AND your significant other.
  • Testing positive on a pregnancy test would would be one.
  • Degenerating spelling such as putting r instead of are. Whoops looks like you might have that already! Go get checked out!
  • For me it was tender breasts, frequent urination and Nausea.
  • I think it's different for everyone. I noticed extreme fatique and my mood changed DRASTICALLY!
  • for me, i got blurry eyesight all of a sudden (apparently pregnancy makes your pupils much rounder than usual). also, i was constantly conjested in my throat/nose area. i could hawk up mucus for days...but it wasn't snot or phlem.i dunno what it was. also, i could piss on well as fall asleep standing up.because i had to pee and sleep like crazy...never been that exhausted or have to pee that bad before. and i get these extremely realistic dreams that seemed to last for days, but i'd wake up and i was only sleeping 5 minutes. also, i didn't notice because my boobs are already big, but all the guys at my job noticed how huge my boobs grew the second month. definately much perkier....i dread the breast feeding process because of that. however i was puking for me at all! what a breeze. one thing though....i had never been so hungry in my life.... i don't mean eating everything in sight. i just mean "hunger" gave itself a new meaning for me. i used to be able to have a couple bites of cereal and call it a day. but now my stomach feels bottomless. i once wolfed down a whole medium pizza by myself and still felt hungry, even though i was physically stuffed. so i have to watch the clock to know when it is ok to eat, because these hunger pangs i get do not go away. started at about 5 weeks, lasted through my 9th week.
  • The early signs of pregnancy are missed period,breast tenderness,fatigue,morning sickness,low back pain,pregnancy test. On missed period, it is the most obvious early symptoms and it possible sign of pregnancy. On breast tenderness, it is noticeable signs of pregnancy because this signs may notice at bedtime when a pregnant women is trying to get comfortable and go to sleep. On fatigue, one of the earliest signs for some women. This early signs of pregnancy symptoms is caused of all the changes of the body of a pregnant women and plus the increasing level of hormones. On morning sickness, a pregnant women are sensitive to the aromas and foods. On low back pain, it caused by different factors. It may be laying on the side of a pregnant women and trying to get comfortable. On pregnancy test, a pregnant women put her mind at ease. This is scientific proof positive of whether you are expecting a baby or not.

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